Thursday, November 12, 2009
The "Shot in the Dark" Story
It was an ordinary day. It has been our first full day on the beach and "We" are all tired and hungry. The "We" is my son Derek, wife Barb and son Caden; my daughter Brynn, husband Dave and daughters Courtney and Camille; my son Tad; and my wife, Carol and I. We have made our annual pilgrimage to Ocean City, NJ. for a week of fun in the sun. We stay in a condo which is located in the beach block near one of the amusement parks. No one has to cross traffic to get to the beach or to the boardwalk. We all head back to the condo for showers, maybe a quick nap (Not!) and supper. Suppers are usually prepared ahead of time, frozen and brought to the shore to make preparation time shorter and easier. Each family brings a few supper with them. Tonight will be Carol's milky chicken casserole with roasting ears and applesauce. Dessert will follow on the boardwalk either at Rita's or at Dairy Queen. After everyone has taken a shower (which is no small feat) and gotten dressed, we sit down for supper. My, everyone looks a little red, except Barb and Caden who still look like Ivory Snow. Oh yeah, and Dave who is his usual bronze color already. This is a festive time with everyone talking about which rides they will be going on and what they plan to eat or buy on the boardwalk. The TV is blaring as we try to see and hear who's favorite team won or lost today. After supper we attempt to clean up and prepare for our walk to the "Boards". Anyone need a sweatshirt or long sleeves tonight? How about a hat? Let's make sure we hold hands when we get on the boardwalk so we can stay together. We're off!!! Carol and I usually bring up the rear to make sure no one is left behind and to start to relax for the evening (Is that possible?) Let's head toward Wonderland Pier tonight someone says. We all turn left and fall in line. It is just starting to get dark and the cool air arrives. I have my madras shorts and a long sleeved shirt on tonight. After a block or two something strange happens to me. I hear this noise from behind me and then I feel it. Something hot hit me on the back of my head. I reach for the back of my head and yell to Carol, "I've been shot." At first I see panic in her eyes as she turns me to see the warm stuff running down the back of my head, then she looks me in the eye and says, "I think you'll live. A seagull just pooped on your head." It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.