Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The "LDubs' go Camping" Story

It was an ordinary day. We are sitting out in the woods. Gone camping! Really camping! Like the tent and the campfire camping. Kids wanted to go see my Mom and Dad who have a small trailer in a campground south of Strasburg. So Carol and I decided we would borrow a tent and all the necessary equipment and head to the campground for some good old country camping. Never tried it before with the three kids, but it sounded like fun. Sounded like!! When we got to the campground, there was a small site available about 50 yards from Mom and Dad's trailer. We spread a canvas tarp on the ground for some insulation from the dampness and erected the tent. We did some exploring in the woods and eventually headed back to the tent to build a fire to cook our evening meal. Hot dogs and beans were on the menu along with chips and a salad. Desert had to be Smores. Kind of fun. Then after a short visit at the trailer with Mom and Dad, we started getting ready for bed. Everyone had a sleeping bag which we just spread on top of the canvas tarp. Time for bed. Everyone, including Carol and I, were tired from our day with nature. But ...... did you ever try to sleep on the hard rocky ground in a sleeping bad that has no padding? It doesn't work. What a night. Didn't get much sleep. Seems like everyone had to pee at some point during the night and just standing behind the tent with other tents next to you wasn't an option. We made trip after trip to the toilet. By morning we were all fully rested. Not!!! After a breakfast at the trailer, we packed up the tent and our belongings, visited with Mom and Dad one last time, and headed home. The LDub family would not be doing this again for a very, very long time. Like never! I know the picture of Carol lounging in the chair looks nice, but that was taken 10 minutes after we had finished erecting the tent. The next time will be as guests in the trailer. It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.

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