Monday, April 4, 2011

The "Don't You Just Hate It When....." Story

It was an ordinary day. And .... I'm following someone in a silver Buick that is slowing down at every intersection, even though the light is always green. I don't consider myself an aggressive driver, but some people have no clue as to how to drive. Why slow down when the light is green. I think they hope that the light will turn yellow so they can stop. I have other pet peeves about driving such as: people who plan to turn right and have to swing to the left first before making their right-hand turn, people who are oblivious to other drivers because they sightsee while they are driving, people who drive with one foot on the gas and the other on the brake and constantly push both pedals at the same time so you don't know if they are stopping or going, people who drive way below the speed limit and hold up traffic for blocks, people who stop at a drive-in window at the bank with 15 minutes of banking to do, people who plan to parallel park and who pull past the parking spot without signaling and expect you to know it and get upset when you won't or can't back up and let them in, people who throw trash out their window, people who you know are either talking on their cell phone or texting and have no idea that the red traffic light they are waiting at has turned green, people who refuse to dim their high beams when traveling towards you at night, people who forget to use their turn signals (This one I don't get too upset with, since I do forget from time to time myself, at least my wife tells me that), people who enter a major highway and feel that they have the right-of-way to merge in front of you, and the list goes on and on. I'm sure you have some of the same feelings as I do, but I try not to let them bother me too much when I drive or I would totally freak out and not enjoy my driving experience. It does help to have a huge car when you are driving, since people seem to respect that more than if you're driving an extremely small car. My wife often wanted to get a Hummer since they seem to rule the road, but I can't imagine how much it must cost to operate one of those behemoths. And, while I'm complaining, how about the people who get in line in front of you at the 6 or less items register at the grocery store with a full cartload, since they didn't want to have to wait in a regular line, or the people who buy something and use it, then return it dirty, or the people who walk their pets and don't clean up after them, or ...... OK, that's enought. I guess I've gotten my complaining out of my system for the day. Thanks for listening! It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordianry guy.

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