Thursday, July 14, 2011

The "The OFFICIAL Photo" Story

It was an ordinary day. Getting ready to take "The Photo". This would be our annual family photo at the shore. Every year for the past 6 years we have been traveling to Ocean City, NJ for a family vacation in the end of June. Choose that time because the rates are still low, while the sun is nice and hot. And, every year we schedule a family photo at the end of the condo complex, on the steps leading up to the condos. This year was no different, except our youngest son, Tad, was not able to make it. We usually schedule it for the end of the week so we all have some color from the week-long beach exposure. A few members of the family, who will remain anonymous, seem to always have that milky white glow to them, so we try to get them to look like beach bums by waiting to the end of the week. Well, tonight is the night. Our final night of vacation! We all dress according to our personalities and after our evening meal,before we head to the boards for the final time, we all gather by the steps. I have my DSLR camera, which is the OFFICIAL camera of the family, while others have their smaller cameras for individual shots or smaller shots of just their family members. I seat everyone according to size and status in the family, with Carol and me in the front. Our daughter Brynn and her family are on one side and our son Derek and his family are on the other side. Tad usually took up the center. We all look great! Now, the trick is to corral someone passing to snap the myriad of pixs necessary for "The Photo". I wait by the street and view prospective people. Can't be anyone too young or too squirrely, because they may think it is a big joke. And, large groups passing I don't even bother with because they will do a quick job and probably miss a great shot. I see 3 women in their 50s walking together and I walk over to them and ask if they can take a photo for me. They look at me kinda funny and then I point to the group sitting on the steps. Then their faces light up and they immediately agree. Now, the lady I give the camera to is really into this. They have suggestions to make us smile and make sure they can see everybody's faces. I picked a real pro this year!! And the results are in. She did a bang-up job of "The Photo". See for yourself. It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy. PS - from the left are: Carol, Camille,Courtney, Brynn, Dave, Caden, Derek, Barb, and LDub. Can you tell what my personality is?

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