Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The "Stop Lying About Your Fibbing" Story

It was an ordinary day. January is coming to an end and you know what that means? Means that is the end of Fibruary. Seems that people tell more lies in January than any other time of the year. My guess is that all the New Years' resolutions that people make never come through and therefore ending up being a lie or fib. What's the difference between the two? In your house do you call it lying or fibbing .... or both? Is there really a difference? Some people think they both are the same. If you don't tell the truth, it's a lie, fib or being dishonest. Some think there is somewhat of a difference. Fibbing is more of a joking thing that isn't doing any harm or getting anyone into trouble while lying is, well, lying. "Mommy, there is a monster in my room," would be fibbing instead of lying. In that case fibbing would be stretching the truth about trivial things while lying is more about important things. An online dictionary calls a fib a trivial and harmless lie while lying is the deliberate act of deviating from the truth. It is estimated that we tell seven lies a day in January, compared with an average of four per day the rest of the year. Hey, maybe you have, but I certainly don't tell four lies a day, on the average. Now, I haven't told a lie in a year or more! How about that!! Money is one of the top things that people lie about and when money is involved it is never a fib. Many lie about how much they spent on Christmas gifts and also about how much of a balance they have on credit cards. Other reasons for lying include protecting someone's feelings or not wanting to let people down. One in six have lied to their partners, in fact, we are more likely to lie to our partners than anyone else. Some people think they are good at detecting lies, but the truth is they tend to look in the wrong placed for those vital clues. Where should you look? I have no clue. I have a friend who was a police detective and he had classes on how to tell when people were lying. And, there are ways you can tell, but I suspect you need to take the course to be able to do that. My wife can tell when I am lying, I mean fibbing, without even going to the class. When I tell her something that is border line not the truth, just by looking at me she knows. Must have something to do with the way my lip quivers or my voice cracks, but she can tell. But, I don't think she actually got all the seven lies, or fibs, that I told each and every day in January. Geez, I hope not! I'd be lying to you if I said I didn't I worry about that some times. It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.

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