Saturday, March 2, 2013

The "It Seems Like Only Yesterday" Story

It was an ordinary day.  Sitting in front of my computer pinning.  I assume by now that you have heard of Pinterest, the online site where you can share with others all over the world some of your favorite photographs.  If you enjoy a certain photo that someone else has posted, you can "Pin" it and it is now part of your site.  On your site you can develop "boards" which are comprised of similar photos.  Well, I enjoy pinning as much as I enjoy watching TV and one of my boards is titled "The Classics."  Others may look at it and "re-pin" what appears on my board to their board which is part of their site.  Today will be a visual story with photos I have "pinned" and placed on my board titled "The Classics."  I'm sure you will see why!  For us oldsters, it is a trip back through history.  A part of our fabric and our life.  For the rest of you ....... well, I'm sorry to say you missed the good old times!  Oh yeah, I'm making the type under the photos larger so you can read it more easily.  Enjoy!  It was  another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.

Mom used to use this for every little cut I would get.  Neat color.

Never had one, since I thought they were stupid.
One of the first fast-food restaurants.  15 cent hamburgers and 19 cent cheeseburgers.

Ah, the Dewey Decimal System!

I loved them.

Not many 45 record players around anymore.

How many transistors did you radio have?

When's the last time you saw one of these?

Wow, it looks just like my Aunt Doris' color TV that we watched Bonanza on at her house Sunday nights.

My 1st grade reader.  Run, Jane, Run.

I can remember one of these at the Railway Express Office at the Lancaster, PA train station where my friend Jerry's father worked.

I can remember the ones that were a penny.

Stared at this on our black and white TV until Covered Wagon Theatre came on Saturday mornings.

Who didn't have a top?  Everyone had a top!

Made you bike sound like a motorcycle, allegedly.

My job to use our push mower to mow the backyard in the summer.

Was this that long ago?  I still have a few of these.

I remember the girls in the neighborhood playing with "Jacks", but I loved them also.

And, it's still my favorite.  Even named our stray cat after it.

No longer in the neat dark-blue glass bottle.

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