Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The "Pittsburgh Bald Eagles In Action" Story

Shot taken from the webcam in Pittsburgh, PA
It was a n ordinary day.  Watching the bald eagle with one of it's hatchlings on a website from Pittsburgh, PA.  A camera has been mounted near the nest by the Pennsylvania Game Commission so you can watch the majestic birds raising their three hatchlings.  Bald eagle eggs incubate in about 35 days and were laid in late February.  One was laid Feb. 19, another Feb. 22 and the last on Feb. 25.  So, you will get the chance to see the parents raising their young or immature bald eagles.  The nest is in the city's Hay neighborhood along the Monongahela River where the eagles can find food. They eat fish from the river, but will also eat ducks, rabbits and squirrels.  Stray cats are also on their menu it they venture into the open.  Recently a hawk took a couple of swipes at the male while he was on the nest and another time a raccoon tired to raid the nest, but was chased away by the mother.  The eaglets have a mortality rate of 50% during the first year, so hopefully one of the young can survive.  Last year the adult eagles raised one eaglet.  You can watch the the live stream 24 hours a day.  Feedings are fun to observe. The camera zooms in and out and scans the area around the nest.  You must be patient if you arrive at the site to watch and don't see a closeup immediately.  You eventually will get to view the nest with parents and hatchlings.  Enjoy the nature lesson!  It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.

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