Monday, April 6, 2015

The "A Few More Short TRUE Tales" Story

It was an ordinary day.  Have been saving a few short stories to tell and decided to put them together in one extraordinary story.  So here goes .....

  1. Watching TV and heard a commotion on our back deck.  Now, that's nothing new, since we seem to have a variety of wildlife on our deck from time to time.  We recently caught 2 stray cats and took them to the local shelter, but this noise is slightly different.  Turned on the rear light and there was a baby possum eating the rest of the dry food we had placed out to try and catch the final stray cat.  Then as we watched him slowly walk toward the side of the deck, we looked straight ahead and there sat a very large raccoon who was staring at the baby possum who was now arching it's back in protest.  
    The trio of bandits watch the baby possum.
    Then we looked back at the raccoon and there were two of them.  Baby possum wasn't scared.  But then the third large raccoon appeared and that was just a bit too much.  Caught a photo of the 3 bandits looking at the possum, but missed the possum in the photo.
  2. The second part of this story is about my wife and MY Facebook Page and MY Pinterest Page.  Carol wanted to start a Facebook Page a few years ago, but didn't like any photos we had of her. So she began a Facebook Page using MY photo.  So, for those of you who happen upon my Facebook Page and wonder why I post some of the things I do ..... well, it's because I'm not posting them ...... Carol is!  Same goes for my Pinterest Page.  I'm not really into Jewelry, Recipes, Nails, Decor, Elf on a Shelf, etc.  ...... Carol is!   So, if you want to try and guess which are my Boards on Pinterest and which are Carol's Boards on Pinterest, it may be easy.
  3. The final part of this story deals with something I should have done a long time ago, because I'm sure many of you did what I just did after reading a few posts about two years ago.  It was the middle of April in 2013 and Carol and I were on the island of St. Martin.  To days after arrival we were on Orient Beach and she noticed a slight rash on my left leg.  Two days later it was a full blown rash with huge blisters that oozed of liquid.  The rash started at a scar I had just received from a recent back surgery and traveled across my butt and down my leg to my knee.  Went to a clinic and found out it was shingles.  Too late to do anything about it.  Well, I wrote a story about it and suggested people get vaccinated so they don't have to go through what I did.  I also found out I can get it back again, but I wasn't smart enough to get vaccinated.  That is until a day or two ago.  Found out that the numbness in my left foot is probably from the shingles two years ago and I will never regain feeling in my foot because the shingles killed the nerves to my foot.  If you need another warning about getting shingles ..... this is it!  I learned my lesson and luckily can still walk.  Scared me enough to finally get the vaccination.  DON'T WAIT!  DO IT NOW!!  It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.

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