Sunday, September 18, 2016

The "Sweetheart Heartache" Story

It was an ordinary day.  Just got two emails from my daughter, Brynn, which showed photos of our granddaughter, Camille, laying on a bed in the emergency room with a nasty gash on her head.  
One photo showed the gash standing open while the other showed the repair that was done using glue to hold the wound shut.  Naturally had to give her a call immediately to see what had happened to Amah and Tampah's little sweetheart.  Seems Brynn, Camille and our our other granddaughter, Courtney were taking a package to a friend's house.  The gift was to be a surprise so they stopped in front of the house, Camille ran the package to the front door, and while quickly  returning slipped on a patch of mulch and fell, head first, into the open car door.  She recovered, hopped back in the car and they took off.  Shortly Camille turned to her mom and said blood was gushing from her cut.  

Brynn pulled over and turned the car light on.  Blood was everywhere!  A quick stop at a gas station/mini-mart to run in and grab some napkins at the food counter got some pressure on the cut.  Brynn headed to an Urgent Care facility, but found it closed.  She made a call home to tell husband Dave what had happened and he suggested they come home and put a band aide on it.  Brynn told him it needed more than that so they hustled to the emergency room for treatment.  A plastic surgeon would have been the answer, but there were none available and on a Sunday evening it might be tough to convince one to come to the hospital.  So, since the cut wasn't ragged, they were able to glue the cut shut.  Brynn was told to have a follow-up visit with her doctor and if it wasn't healing correctly, it could be reopened and a sewn by a plastic surgeon at that time.  All is well as of now except for the headaches Camille is suffering which means she probably suffered a concussion from hitting the door frame.  Rest and pain relievers will be needed.  For years Carol and I were regulars at the emergency room with our three children.  Broken arms, head cuts, cut toes, etc. were suffered on a regular basis.  Seems its part of growing up.  Oh the fun of raising children.  It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy. 

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