Sunday, February 5, 2017

The "So What Would You Do? Really??" Story

It was an ordinary day.  Decided to ask you, my readers, a question today after giving some background info.  So, the information is: Your spouse has been ill for many years and has finally suffered several debilitating strokes over a rather short period of time.  Your Spouse expressed to you, as well as others, that they no longer wish to live.  Then one more stroke makes every task unbearable.  Would you aide your spouse by helping them commit suicide?  Would you commit suicide with them?  Well, that exactly what happened in Lancaster, Pennsylvania this past week.  A 70 year old woman, who was in a nursing facility after suffering an extremely debilitating stroke which left her barely functioning, went with her husband, who had checked her out of the facility for the day, to their home where her 60-year old husband made a prescription-drug cocktail mixed with vanilla pudding and as they sat in their car, BOTH ate the mixture.  The nursing facility notified the authorities that the woman never returned and they found the pair in their car in their driveway.  A few days later the woman died and the husband, who had recovered, was charged with a second-degree felony count of causing or aiding suicide.  The Lancaster County coroner has not made a ruling as to her death yet and said his office is still in the process of gathering medical records and other information from the hospital before making their decision.  Could they be setting this up to be death by natural causes?  Could they know that she would have died soon anyway.  Are they in favor of what her husband was about to do?  And, what would do?  I'm struggling with what I would have done if I had been the husband.  I questioned why he would want to take his life, along with his wife, until I read that he figured he would be arrested for murder and didn't want to spend the rest of his life in prison.  He said he loved his wife too much not to die with her.  He also said that he struggled with insurance carriers and care providers to get his wife the treatment she needed.  His wife told him that it was too much to bare and she couldn't live like that.  The husband and wife were totally devoted to one another and often talked about wanted to die together.  So ... what would you do?  Would you do it if it was legal to help assist with a suicide?  Do you think it should be legal for a health professional to help with a suicide?  Could you live with yourself if you helped with a suicide?  Just asking.  I don't expect an answer.  Very interesting, isn't it?  It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.  


  1. What's her prognosis? Is she in constant pain? I would have inquired about Morphine 24/7 while in nsg facility to make her as comfortable as possible then her die in peace.

  2. It wasn't stated but I assume she was being given something. Guess she still had the will to die as quickly as possible.
