Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The "The Thrill Of Being Young Again, If Just For A Fleeting Moment" Story

It was an ordinary day.  Carol and I are watching TV as well as checking our emails when she says to me, "Look at this!"  She passed me her iPad and there in the middle of the screen was a photograph of me!  
1998 photography of LDub wearing my
trusty Light Impressions apron covered with
a layer of priinter's ink and photo chemicals.
"Where'd you find that?" I asked her. "I opened an email sent from Renee Logan Heller and up popped your photo.  It says My HS photography teacher." Wow, pretty neat!  Read a bit more on her email and found that she was cleaning her garage and found quite a few old photos and was going to place all of the on her Facebook page.  Pretty neat that she had one of me amongst the collection of old photos.  I had Renee as a student in 1997-98 in my Photography Class.  The class was open only to seniors and I had quite a few students in the black and white film course.  I taught everything from photography history to composition to film and print development to a month long session where I invited guest professional photographers to speak to my class.  This was the era when digital photography was just taking hold and the year before I retired from teaching.  Didn't hear from or about Renee until last year when I was taking photographs at the school district's Landis Run Intermediate School for their yearbook.  Someone tapped me on the shoulder and when I turned around there stood Renee.  
Photo of Renee on the right and her mother
who worked in the cafeteria.  I suspect it
was she who snapped my photograph.
Recognized her face immediately, but the arm length full of tattoos and the purple hair were quite different than I had remembered.  I immediately recognized the camera and flash and knew she was here for a reason.  She told me she had become a professional photographer and was asked by a few parents to take some photos of the same event I was taking photographs of for the yearbook.  Renee's equipment was far superior to what I was using and she graciously agreed to send me a few of the photos she was taking for inclusion in the yearbook.  During our conversation I found out about her family and those who were in the school system.  Since that time I have seen her several other times and became friends with her on Facebook.  Neat to know that one of my students enjoyed photography enough to make it their career.  Well, it wasn't long before quite a few comments began to appear on her Facebook posting of my photo.  It was like being back in school once again.  Names I hadn't heard from since years ago began to appear.  Luckily all comments were very complimentary!  I did have to respond to several due to the nature of their responses.  Greg C. responded with just a "Let's eat."  Knew right away what he meant.  I had Greg in the same class as my youngest son, Tad.  
Renee's photo as seen on her
Facebook page.
The class was held just before lunch.  The lunch room was right next to my room and if the class would have everything cleaned up before the bell rang, I would let them leave early so they could get in line first.  As we sat quietly, looking at the clock, I would say, "Let's eat," and we'd all head to the cafeteria.  I responded to Greg with a comment of my own when I typed: "I remember when Tad needed lunch money and after giving him the money, he stepped aside and there where you, Josh and Ryan standing with your hands out, waiting for me to give you lunch money also."  Boy the memories!  Besides all the nice comments I also had quite a few "Likes", one coming from Jim E. who now teaches black and white film photography in the same classroom.  Jim and I have become good friends over the past few years and his "Like" was greatly appreciated.  Name after familiar name popped up again and again and I was having the best time reading names and comments.  So, now for one of my replies: Dear Renee,  Thanks so much for making me feel young again and getting the chance to relive some of the best years of my life over again, if just for a fleeting moment.  Came at just the right time!  It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.

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