Saturday, April 14, 2018

The "Two New Family Members At LDubs" Story

2017 and a kitten has arrived at the back door.
It was an ordinary day.  Feeding the new additions to our home.  The two kittens were constant visitors at our back door for a few weeks before Christmas of 2017.  Then a few days after Christmas when the outside temperature was close to "0" Carol opened the door to put some food out for the hungry kittens and grabbed the male kitten and brought him into the house.  We kept him confined to one room in the house for a week or two and finally allowed him to explore the house.  We then enticed the second kitten into the house and after a day or so took her to have her spayed.  
"The Gray Lady" reaching for the camera.
In order for her to recover before we re-introduced the kittens once again, Carol had a good friend, who loved cats and had quite a few of her own, take her to her home to recover from the surgery.  By now we had named the two kittens.  
The handsome boy "Snickerdoodle"
The male was named after the cookies Carol was baking at the time he was brought into the house, Snickerdoodle, while the female was named according to her demeanor and smallness... and naturally coloring...The Gray Lady.  Shortly, Snicker- doodle
  was taken to the vet for neutering and brought to our home to recover.  Wasn't long until the two were reunited once again.  
The Gray Lady loves to sit on her mom's lap.
We are not sure if they are brother and sister, but they certainly are different in coloring as well as size.  Doesn't matter since they are the best of friends.  They are still exploring the house and learning new places to hide and nap.  The Gray Lady is the smaller of the two and more sociable while Snickerdoodle is much larger and a handsome guy, but still somewhat afraid.  
Playing "Footsie"
They love to play with the myriad of toys we have purchased for them and love to tussle.  They do tend to get a bit rough and usually Snicker- doodle gets the short end of the deal, but The Gray Lady did have to make a trip to the vet a few weeks ago when we noticed her one front paw was swollen.  
Snickerdoodle hiding from his sister.
Seems she was bitten or clawed and the vet had to lance her paw to drain fluid from it and give her a shot and pills to help with her recovery.  

They are a never-ending storm of activity.  We get tired just watching them play.  The Gray Lady loves to sleep on your lap while Snickerdoodle is now just discovering that he can jump.  
This looks innocent, but what follows is mayhem!
The only trouble we have with them is they decide to play "rough" most mornings at 5:00 AM and we need to "shush" them from the bedroom so we can get another hour of sleep before feeding time.  I already have a slew of photos, but not wanting to be like a new parent, will only post a few photos for now.  It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.

The Gray Lady sleeping in Carol's lap.

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