Saturday, February 27, 2021

The "Little Moments Of Kindness...We All Need Them...You Know!" Story

 It was an ordinary day.  Reading a newspaper article titled "Little moments of kindness leave a big impact."  Article about people around the world who shared their stories of sweetness and affection during this time in history where we all can appreciate a heartwarming story.  I have selected a few and have copied them to my blog for you to read.  The names that accompany each story are real names with real locations from around the world.  Hope you enjoy them as much as I did.  It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.

My mother often traveled for work when I was in high school.  She could be away for weeks at a time.  During one of her trips, I wandered in to my parents' room.  My father was smelling one of her scarves. Blushingly, he put it down and said, "I was just missing your mother."  Sarah Hughes, Rockville, Maryland.

I was walking to the post office.  And older, masked couple walked slowly on the other side of the street.  During the pandemic, people walk fast, avoid contact and try to get their things done quickly.  For a moment, the couple stopped.  They kissed through their masks and continued walking.  It gave me some hope, that even in these times, love and human connection prevail.  Susi Reichenbach, Brussels

I have a balance problem after an operation on a brain aneurysm affected my ability to do certain things like bending or looking sideways.  One day while walking with a stick through the city, I realized that my shoelace was undone.  I just kept walking.  Suddenly a young woman stopped.  "Hey," she said, "your shoelace is undone.  Here, let me do it up in case you trip."  She tied the shoelace, smiled and walked on.  Carol Lange, Oxford, England.

As I was headed to the drugstore, a high school-aged boy walked out carrying a bouquet of yellow daffodils.  Someone yelled from across the street: "Are you looking to get lucky?" He answered: "No, I think I'm in love!"  This happened probably 40 years ago, and I still think about it.  Sallie Wold, Oak Park, Illinois.

Riding the bus years ago, I noticed a young man suddenly stiffen and slide sideways from his seat, stricken with a seizure.  The passengers grew silent.  We were concerned, flustered.  The driver radioed for help and pulled over.  Then a woman sat on the floor beside the young man.  Humming quietly, she began stroking his hands.  We all got off the bus, but the woman and boy stayed together.  Her humming became a quiet song as they waited for his spasms to end.  Tracy Huddleson, Garden Valley, California.

I was 6 years old and spending the night at my grandparents.  While I was sitting on the porch, a couple walked past.  The man reached down and plucked one of my grandmother's tulips out of the garden and gave it to his lady love.  I was outraged and ran into the house, yelling that someone had "stolen" one of my grandmother's flowers.  She calmed me down, held my hand and said, "That's what flowers are for." Clare Poth, Buffalo, New York

When I was little, my parents and I flew to Seattle often to visit their friends.  Once, while at the airport, I saw what I presumed to be a husband and wife embrace, kiss and tearfully say goodbye.  That surprised me.  My parents had just divorced and had never been overly affectionate.  I think about that couple often.  Margaret Anne Doran, Charlotteville, Virginia.

As the moring bell rings, one of my Grade 3 students would enter the school lobby holding his younger brother's hand.  My student would carefully help his brother remove his mittens and unzip his jacket.  Then he would tenderly kiss the top of his head before they split up for their own classrooms.  Such a loving and responsible gesture.  Sheila Bean, Calgary, Alberta.

I was standing in a crowded subway train, facing a woman who was sitting.  I was going through a terrible week.  I was exhausted and overcome with emotion.  All of a sudden, I started to cry.  It almost didn't occur to me that anyone could see me.  But, the seated woman did and she handed me a tissue without saying anything except for giving me a comforting, knowing look.  Nicole Shaub,  Brooklyn, New York.

While I was driving, something up ahead brought everyone to a standstill.  There was restlessness and frustrated honking.  But when the cars in front of me moved into the next lane, I saw that a women in one car was repeatedly stopping, getting out, grabbing brown-bag lunches and distributing them to the many homeless people on the side of the road.  She offered them conversation, care and warmth, and seemed not to care about the frazzled drivers behind her.  Sam Alviani, Denver, Colorado.

I've been walking in my local park more often. My heart has been moved by two friends who meet each morning.  They are male an likely in their mid-80s.  They arrive separately, each with coffee and a Dunkin' Donuts bag.  They sit on adjoining benches, 6 feet apart.  One doesn't start his coffee until the other is there.  They aren't particularly talkative with others in the park...I've tried.  Their focus in on one another.  Grace E. Curley, Boston.

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