Saturday, April 1, 2023

The "A Chosen Lifestyle?" Story

It was an ordinary day.  Just finished reading an article in my morning newspaper that told of the increase in people sleeping on benches in center-city Lancaster.  For months you could pass through the city and see very few people in need of a place to sleep, but that seems to have changed since just about every bench is now filled with a sleeping bag or multiple blankets as the sun begins to set to the west.  I must admit that it is a scene that could easily chase visitors to the city of Lancaster away from our intercity stores as well as entertainment facilities.  The city is struggling with what to do with all those who are homeless.  We do have a few local locations such as the YWCA and the Water Street Rescue Mission where those who have no place to sleep may go for aid, but it seems that the homeless enjoy staying in the center of the city to be with all their friends who are also homeless.  Most every bench in center city is filled by the time the sun sets over Lancaster.  The city is trying to do just about everything to keep the homeless off the streets and pubic benches so they don't chase away the tourists and local shoppers.  I can imagine the local businesses are pushing the city to do something so they won't continue to lose business.  The city of Lancaster is a beautiful sight with all the historic buildings as well as our local farmer's market.  But, visitors tend to be chased away from inter-city Lancaster when all they see on the park benches that are spread around the city are people with blankest and a load of clothes dragging behind them.  Luckily, I have never experienced homelessness, but I can just imagine how they must feel not having anyone to stay with if necessary or to find a place to sleep overnight.  I recently visited a few of Lancaster's public buildings to take photographs of the buildings to document some of my stories.  I found quite a few homeless people who were still covered with their blankets while sleeping on the benches throughout the city.  It did make it a bit harder to take photographs without having to show the homeless, even though it was close to noon on a Sunday morning.  The amount of items that have to be carried tend to take up as much space as the person who is homeless.  The city of Lancaster does have a homeless shelter a few blocks from center city, but the homeless may not care for the rules they must follow and try and find other places to call home.

A homeless man sleeping as I take photos nearby
I realize that Lancaster isn't the only town in Pennsylvania who has homeless roaming the city at all hours of the day and night, but it still looks bad for those who come to visit.  I recently went downtown to take photos of the Court House for a story I was going to write and found many benches still filled with sleeping homeless people. was close to noon when I arrived.  I did have to make a few changes to my schedule in hopes they would move on so I could get a few photos, but by the time I left, I was still without some of my photos.  When should I return?  Perhaps...never!  I feel sorry for those who have to live out of a bag, but it seems to be their choice since there are places to stay...but these places do have rules to follow and I guess that is too much to ask of a homeless person.  If only somebody could come up with the perfect answer for the homeless!  Anyone have an idea?  It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.

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