Wednesday, April 17, 2024

The 5 Ways To Build Trust Story

It was an ordinary day.  Reading about ways to build trust with friends and relatives.  It is said that there are five ways that you can build trust with both friends and relatives.  They are listed as: 1. Listen,  2. Communicate your worries,  3. Take your time,  4. Don't assume, and  5. Take a Risk.  A brief description was given for each of the 5 ways that you can build trust.  They begin with 1. Listen - When someone you're with is talking, listen to them as you would want them to listen to you.  Trust is a two-way connection and as they open up to you, you'll feel more confident about opening up in return.  No. 2 is Communicate your worries -  If you find it hard to trust due to a specific past experience, then don't be afraid to explain this, and that you're trying to learn to trust again.  Honesty breeds trust.  No. 3 is to Take Your Time.  Don't rush into anything.  Take a little time to build a new relationship and the trust that comes with it, and stick to your boundaries.  No. 4 is Don't Assume.  Set aside your doubts for a period of time; it can be easy to fall into a trap thinking that a person is kind to let you down in some way that you've experienced before, but you need to give each fresh connection a chance to flourish on its own terms.  No. 5 is Take a Risk.  Be bold!  Put yourself into a situation where you need to put a little trust in the other person.  Book an activity to do together,  or arrange to go somewhere new, putting you both outside of your comfort zone a little and therefore needing to have faith in each other.  There is a chemical element to trust.  The working theory is that trust can be linked to oxytocin, which plays a key role in social bonding and love.  A study suggests that oxytocin plays a role in a perons' willingness to accept social risk - choosing to trust someone does require taking a risk.  Whether you are someone who trusts too easily, or someone who is very distrustful, there are ways that you can manage to develop a healthy level.  It starts with being able to set your own boundaries and values, rather than being influenced by society, family or belief.  Focus on what you believe in, what values you hold close to your heart and who you are.  This will help you to live your life in a way that's true to you as a person, and these new experiences will then feed into your instincts and trust, helping you build new relationships.  Over time you will learn to trust your instincts, finding a balance between being able to trust and being open to new relationships, and  protecting your boundaries and wellbeing.  It was another extraordinary day in the life of ordinary guy. 

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