Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The "Friends Are Forever...Even 4-Legged Ones" Story

It was an ordinary day.  6:30 AM and one of my two cats is standing on top of me, trying to get me to turn over and get out of bed so they can eat.  The one who is usually on top of me is Snickerdoodle who is about double the size of The Gray Lady.  Both of our feline friends came to our back door a few years ago when we lived at our previous home on Harrington Drive in Manheim Township.  They were both stray outdoor cats who were looking for a home and a handout.  Both of the cats were about the same size at the time, but today.....well, Snickerdoodle is more than twice the size of The Gray Lady, actually the size of a small dog, but...the boss of the two is...Yep! The Gray Lady.  Both cats enjoy the freedom of our villa at Woodcrest Villas, and will usually find a place in our bedroom to sleep at night, but if The Gray Lady decides she doesn't want her male friend to be in the bedroom, she can chase him out without too much trouble.  But, in the morning they both try to rouse us when they feel it is time for them to eat.  In his case, he will sit on top of me until I awaken and get out of bed to feed both of them.  He is a very large cat and can make it uncomfortable for me to breathe if he lays on my chest...so I almost alway get out of bed and head to the kitchen to feed both of them. Only problem is that it can be 6:30 AM when he feels it is time to eat.   I place her food on a table that sits next to the rear door while I place his food in a dish on the floor in the middle of the kitchen.  Yes...he could eat both meals if he wanted to, but she, for some reason. seems to control him.  We are happy it has worked out that way, or we might have trouble feeding them.  After feeding them, I go back to bed to try and get another hour or two of sleep before arising for the day.  Our two cats are best of friends and do cuddle together from time to time...or until she tires of it and bites one of his paws or one of his ears.  If I choose not to get up when Snickerdoodle wants me too, he will sit on me!  And...he's a big cat who can cut off your airflow if he wants to do so.  Yeah....we could close our bedroom door when we go to bed, but they are our constant companions and we strive to all love one another!  He does enjoy spending time with me throughout the day, by sitting in the window in our den while I am typing stories on my computer, or sitting on my lap while I read the newspaper and watch TV.  My wife and I believe that both cats searched our old neighborhood until they found the perfect couple who could be their "parents" or could supply them with the love they so much desired.   Carol and I have had pets, both dogs and cats, since we were married in 1967, and would miss their friendship if we lost them.  We chose to keep our two cats at Woodcrest Villas since you may have either two indoor cats or one dog.  Life is more fun with pets to fill the day.  Wouldn't want to live without them!  It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.

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