Sunday, May 5, 2024

The Historical Lancaster Pictures

It was an ordinary day.  Trying to clean my desktop of the myriad of old photographs that I have saved "just in case" I might need one or two for a blog story.  I have decided it is time to get rid of a few to allow me some more space to save a few more antique photographs.  Hope you enjoy the photos.  I have tried to place a location for each one and only hope I have picked the correct location for each one.  So........enjoy!  It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.

I'm pulling a friend in my wagon with my tricycle

27 W. Lemon Street in Lancaster, PA - 1930

1980s Dirty Old Tavern

Strand  Movie Theater on Manor St.

Levick Gas Station at West James & Harrisburg Ave.

Lancaster County Courthouse

St. Joseph Hospital in 1944, the year of my birth

Young Woman's Christian Association.

S. Prince in 1980

The Wild Cat Coaster at Rocky Springs

House at 533 S. Queen built in 10 hours

Downtown Lancaster 1925

Downtown Lancaster looking south

Lancaster Square looking West

Lancaster Press operator Harry Radcliffe

Santa arriving at Watt & Shand

Hot air balloon landing in Center Square

Bowman Tech where my father learned watchmaking

Hagar Dept. Store on West King St.

Woolworth Building on N. Queen St.

McCroy's Department Store on N. Queen St. 

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