Monday, June 24, 2024

The "Time To Get More Active" Story

It was an ordinary day.  Reading once again a story in my morning newspaper written by Dr. Mike Roizen that is titled "3 signs that you aren't active enough."  Now...didn't I just type a story about not being active enough?  Seems that trend is been pushed all the time!  Well, when it come to the benefits of physical activity, the list stretches from "A" (for attitude improvement) to "Zzzzz" (for better sleep).  Unfortunately, only 25% of U.S. adults get the recommended minimum of 150 minutes of aerobics and two strength-building sessions weekly.  But, almost 40% of folks say they're getting enough physical activity!  So, to help you accurately determine if you're activity-deprived, here are three signs that show that you need to get moving.  1. You're feeling blue.  Being sedentary increases depression.  According to a 2019 study, if you replace 15 minutes of sitting with 15 minutes of running or an hour of brisk walking, you can decrease your risk of depression by 26%.  2. You can't fall asleep easily.  According to John Hopkins medicine, lack of activity makes it difficult to fall asleep and enjoy good quality sleep.  But 30 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise can give you better sleep that same day.  3. Your joints are achy.  Knees gotta bend, hips gotta extend.  But many folks are sitting five-plus hours and are sedentary for almost 10 hours every day.  Gentle stretching and activities that move joints through their full range of motion improve flexibility and relieve discomfort.  The initial twinges you might feel when beginning to exercise will fade and you'll become more agile and have fewer aches and pains.  The reward: increased healthy longevity - about nine years' worth for women; eight for men.  For more tips, tune into fitness info in's free newsletter and check out's blog, "More Movement May Increase Longevity - Here's Why."  It just might work for you!  It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy. 

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