Wednesday, July 24, 2024

BEST PET PALS -- "Blue" the Fire Dog" Story

It was an ordinary day.  Reading about "Blue the Fire Dog" who lives in Detroit, Michigan.  Story began with....  Last year, our house caught fire while my brother-in-law was watching my two toddlers: Isabella, who was 4 years old, and Shantel, who was 1.  He was able to get Isabella to safety, but was blocked from reaching Shantel by a wall of flames and fallen debris.  It was our pit bull, Blue, who was small enough to evade danger and make it into Shantel's room.  Five minutes after the fire started, firefighters arrived, and were alerted to her location by blue's barking and circling.  Luckily, everyone made it outside safely.  Blue was covered in soot, but miraculously wan't burned.  We lost everything in the fire, and it's been a long, hard journey to get back on our feet, but we finally have a new place to call home.  To this day, Blue growls when he sees a lit candle or somebody using a lighter.  Blue came to us scared and shy from a bad rescue situation.  But I think he just wants a family to love and love him back.  If it wasn't for Blue, my baby girl wouldn't be here, and I'm grateful for this rescue heroics every day.  Story nominated by Janet Kelly!  It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.  

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