Monday, July 8, 2024

"Heard Any Good Jokes?" Story

It was an ordinary day.  Reading a short story in my latest "Reader's Digest" Magazine that I just had to share with you to make your work week a happy one.  Story was titled "Heard Any Good Jokes?" and followed with.....There's an old pay phone in Washington, D.C., where, if you press a button, you can hear a gag like this: "How does the polygamist hippie count his wives?  'One Mrs. Hippie, two Mrs. Hippie ..."  The voice belongs to Don Rutledge, a teacher and the creator of the "Jokes Phone".  Because he thought it would be fun, Rutledge, who lives nearby, bought the phone online, replaced its guts with a computer and placed it on the street.  Press #1 (it's free!) to hear a knock-knock joke or #2 for a kids joke.  Pressing #5 plays fun facts.  You can also press #0 to chat with "a random guy who thinks he has all the answers."  That guy is Rutledge, who told Washingtonian that callers often are "freaked out that somebody actually answers," so they hang up.  "But sometimes they stay on, and I just talk to them." neat is that! I'd love to talk to a guy who can brighten my day as evidently Don can do.  I'd certainly give it a try if I lived near the phone!  It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.

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