Thursday, July 11, 2024

The "How About A Game Of Pool...or Perhaps You Call It Billiards

It was an ordinary day.  Walking the steps to the second level in Woodcrest Villa's Viva Center for a few games of pool...or as my good friend, Dale would says...billards.  There are two  locations on the campus where you can play pool, but many of the residents choose the main building where they can be found on the second level, directly at the top of the stairwell.  There are two full-sized pool tables that are in great condition.  Many times there is a large gathering of pool sharks whom pair up so that more can play at one time.  For some strange reason, the second table is very seldom used, even though it is in just as good a condition as the main pool table.  Dale and I often will take the cover off the 2nd pool table and play a few games of pool to avoid the large group of players who are waiting their turn to play on the main pool table.  I hadn't played pool for years when I first moved to Woodcrest Villa.  My youngest son, Tad, had a pool table in his home and at times I would play a game or two...but that's probably 20 years ago.  It is the same pool table that he had purchased when he lived with his mother and I on Harrington Drive in the Manheim Township section of Lancaster County.  We had it placed in our basement where we spent many an evening playing pool.  Then, when he moved into his own home, he took the table with him.  Well, Dale and I are about to begin another game of pool, or should I say billiards, so it is time to call it quits with the typing.  Follow along with the photos of the majority of the players who live at Woodcrest Villa.  Sorry if I missed getting a photo of a few of the regulars.  I'll try again...sometime!   It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.







Yours truly...Larry

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