Friday, August 9, 2024

The "Do You See What I See!...Is The Seashell Face Giving Us Guidance? Story

It was an ordinary day.  Sitting in my recliner watching the news on my wall-hung television in the retirement community known as Woodcrest Villas.  To my left, about 15 feet away, is an opening in the side wall of our living room that shows our window-enhanced porch.  Great view of the rear yard which also displays the surrounding villas to the rear of our villa.  On the divider between the porch and living room sits a very large conch shell that we brought home with us when we moved to Woodcrest Villas from our home on Harrington Drive.  We found the shell on one of our many visits to the island of St. Martin/Sint Maarten in the Caribbean.  On certain days when I look quickly at the shell I swear it is looking back at me.  If I study the shell for a few minutes I can see a pointy nose on the left side of the shell. Directly above the pointed nose is an eyebrow with an  eye sitting deep inside of it.  

Below the nose is the upper lip and bottom lip of the mouth of the face.  Below the upper lip is the opening of the mouth which is just slightly open.  The bottom lip juts out slightly and curves and ends with the pointed chin at the bottom in front of the neck.  The hairdo above the upper eye flares toward the top of the head which then heads toward the back of the head.  Some days I can stare at the shell and see nothing while other days I swear I can see the face of a person, whom I call Martin, with the pointed nose and hairdo that expands above the face.  I then begin to wonder...what is it trying to tell me?   Tomorrow I may take a look at the shell and see nothing except the large shell, while other days I swear someone is looking out the window on the porch at the neighbor's house.  How much of an imagination do you have at times.  Can you see what I see or am I crazy?  My guess is that my wife and I brought the image of the person home with us during one of our trips to St. Martin/Sint Marteen.  I love to stare at it some days, since it brings back all the memories of our many trips to our favorite island in the Caribbean....St. Martin/Sint Maarten (island is half Dutch and half French).  The only thing that I haven't been able to tell about the face is whether it is a male or a female.  I enjoy so much looking at the shell which brings back new memories each and every time I look at it.  My wife and I talk often about taking another trip back to St. Martin/Sint Maarten. but we fear that with our age, we might have physical problems while on the island and will not be able to handle it as needed.  One of these days we will flip a coin and let the coin give us the answer to our travels.  Life is short, but I haven't seen the edge of the cliff just yet.  Maybe that is telling me to take a chance and go back to our favorite island!  Should I hunt for the suitcases?  If only I knew for sure what to do!!  What do you think?  It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.  

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