Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The "Enjoying One Of My Favorite Hobbies" Story

It was an ordinary day.  Sitting in my "2nd bedroom/Office" typing another story for my blog.  The sun is bright, the wind is mild, and the birds are fighting for the food I have on the bird feeder of the tree that sits outside my bedroom window.  All is well!!  When my wife and I moved into our villa at Woodcrest Villas in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, we never suspected we would enjoy life as much as we do today.  The campus is beautiful, the housing units are remarkable and the shrubbery is everywhere.  We have a small tree about 10 feet outside our guest bedroom window which holds a bird feeder that welcomes all and any types of birds that may live in the neighborhood.  Seems that I must fill it at least once, or even twice, a day, depending upon whether it is raining or sunny.  Our cats, "The Gray Lady" and "Snickerdoodle" love to share the double window directly inside where the bird feeder sits on the tree about five feet off the ground.

Snickerdoodle is watching the feeder which is
directly in front of him, but in the right-hand upper window.
They could spend the entire day on the windowsill of the bedroom watching the birds if they didn't like to eat breakfast, lunch and supper.   Directly in front of the window is a shrub that is about a foot above the sill of the window, thus the cats can still see the birds, but do not tend to scare the birds.  I bought the bird feeder when we moved to Woodcrest and it has been a busy location in the front of our villa ever since.  At times we have a dozen or more birds vying for spaces on the tree or feeder, next to the bird feeder.
Six birds are feeding in this photo
The only problem we have is....the cost of birdseed!!  I too enjoy watching the birds as they sit on the edge of the feeder and peck away at the seeds in the tray at the bottom of the feeder.  At times they get a bit nasty and start to throw the food in all directions while trying to find a spot on the feeder.  I do find more sunflower seeds on the ground around the base of the tree, but they are easy enough to collect and place back in the feeder.  While I sit here typing today's story from an ordinary guy, I see about a half-dozen small birds on the feeder, trying to fill their beaks with as many seeds as then can.
The feeder is about half empty and it is only noon.
My friend "Snickerdoodle" is on the windowsill watching the birds with me, but with a different idea in mind.  The time is about 10:30 AM and the bird feeder is almost empty.  Just filled it before I went to bed last evening, but if there is feed in the feeder, there will be birds sitting on it filling their beaks with the seed variety that we place in the feeder.  Hey!  I don't mind if I have to fill it multiple times each day, since I enjoy watching the birds eat as much as my two cats enjoy it.  
Five o'clock and the feeder is almost empty.
Only problem is they have a different reason and idea in mind while watching the birds eat.  It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.  Click on images to engage them.  

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