Sunday, August 25, 2024

The "One Final Story For Today" Story

It was an ordinary day.  My wife asked if I had read the story in our Sunday newspaper about the bike ride that was held yesterday in nearby Philadelphia.  I looked at her with a puzzled look and then she told me about it.  Seems like hundreds of people in various states of undress cruised the streets of Philadelphia yesterday to celebrate the 15th annual Philly Naked Bike Ride.  Now, how did I miss it??  I never see anything about it every year until it is too late.  Perhaps I should initiate a ride through the city of Lancaster similar to the Philadelphia ride.  Well.... hundreds of people in various states of undress cruised the streets of Philadelphia to cheers from onlookers Saturday evening in the 15th annual Philly Naked Bike Ride.  The annual ride, which started in 2009, is billed as promoting cycling as a key form of transportation and fuel-conscious consumption.  It is also meant to encourage body positivity.  Organizers stress, however, that participants aren't required to be completely in the buff, telling them to get "as bare as you dare."  Maybe jeans and a t-shirt??  Organizers  said the ride wasn't limited only to bicycles, but welcomed "all forms of human-powered transportation" such as roller blades, skates, skateboards and scooters.  They also point to a code of conduct that bars any kind of physical or sexual harassment.  I'm not sure if I would enjoy participation in a bike ride such as this or not.  Maybe if I watched it one time I could then decide if I would enjoy participation in it or not.  And...who would want to view someone riding a bike in the nude who was 80 years old.  Might make them sick!  The more I think about it, the more I know it's not for me!  It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy, 

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