Monday, September 9, 2024

The "A Big "THANK YOU" To All My Family For My 80th Birthday Get-Together!" Story

It was an ordinary day.  Just sat down to write this story after a hectic week-end with family and friends celebrating my 80th birthday.  Our youngest son, Tad picked up my wife Carol and myself at our home at Woodcrest Villas on Sunday around 11:00 am for a lunch reservation at Dockside Willies where we met our oldest son Derek, his wife Barbara, my grandson Caden, our daughter Brynn and her two daughters..... my granddaughters, Courtney and Camille.  We were headed to the most beautiful location along the Susquehanna River near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.  

The ride was close to a half-hour, but it was well worth the trip after pulling in the parking lot and seeing the view along the Susquehanna River.  Made me just feel as if I had to pick up a few stones and do some skipping along the river bank....but it was time for dinner!  The advertisement on the menu of the restaurant said to enjoy the outdoor deck and beautiful views of the Susquehanna River and Harrisburg skyline.  

View from Dockside Willies
The views were tremendous and the food was delicious as well as reasonably priced for the amount of food that they placed in front of us.  I had a huge ham and cheese sandwich which I had a tough time getting in my mouth, but with a remarkable taste to it.  And....I almost finished it, though it was huge in size.  Seeing the family all together while celebrating my birthday was as much fun as eating our lunch along the riverbank together.  After we finished our meal we gathered together alongside the deck to the rear of the restaurant to view the watercraft and throw a few stones into the river.  
My dear wife Carol & I
Woods Family view (l-r)....oldest son Derek, daughter Brynn,
yours truly, wife Carol, youngest son Paul (Tad)
Oh yeah...I managed to get a few photos of the family.  I have celebrated many, many birthdays in my lifetime, but this one was special since just about all the family was there and we had the chance to be along the Susquehanna during lunch.  
It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy. 

Son Paul (Tad), daughter Brynn, LDub, and son Derek
Son Derek, grandson Caden and daughter-in-law Barbara
Grandkids (l-r) Caden, Big Lar, Camille, and Courtney
Grand-daughter Camille, daughter Brynn, Grand-daughter Courtney

Piece of my birthday cake