Friday, September 6, 2024

The "Dedicated To Pat" Story

It was an ordinary day.  I was just about finished reading my morning September 1, Sunday News when I came across an article on page 1 of the "Living Section" of the paper.  The article was titled "I KNOW A STORY" and had a sub-headline that read..."Student living theater dream inherited from his grandmother."  Knew immediately that I just had to read the story.  After reading the story I grabbed my camera, told my wife I needed to go take a photo, and headed in the direction of Buchanan Park.  After walking around the park for close to a half-hour, I decided it was time to head home before the heat got the best of  me.  As I was turning around, I looked a short distance away and found exactly what I was looking for! ....a plaque dedicated to "PAT KAUTTER".  It was as if it was meant to be!  On the plaque was a line of type that read: "Live Your Dream Tree" with more print that read:  "In Honor Of Our Mother, Grandmother, Teacher, Director & Friend."  In smaller type it read, "...AND WE ALL ARE LED TO THOSE WHO HELP US MOST TO GROW  -   DEDICATED 2018.  

The initial story in the newspaper read...."I reach out to grab the branch as if I am trying to hold my mom's hand again.  It's been six years...This special tree in Buchanan Park was dedicated to honor her legacy by her close friends.  The plaque at the foot of the tree reads "Live Your Dream,"  This was what my mother, Pat Kautter (director, choreographer and teacher), inspired thousands of Lancaster students, actors, dancers and colleagues to do with their life.  Her energy and passion were unmatched and extremely contagious.  I talk out loud to the Snow Goose cherry tree as if it has a special wi-fi connection to heaven carrying my message on what's going on in my life.  Mom, you would be proud of Zach.  He is opening his first show in Boston in a few weeks."  My phone rings.  It's my son, Zach.  While he is 400 miles away, the emotion of this day is still raw.  We reminisce, tell stories, laugh and remind each other how much she is missed.  Being the grandson of late local theater icon Pat Kautter means the love of theater is in our blood.  Zachary Kautter, a senior theater major at Boston University, is continuing the journey and honoring his grandmother at the same time.  Starting a production company and producing your first show on a limited budget is quite an undertaking for a college student.  I stand in front of the plaque that tells of Pat.  She must have been special to not only to her family, but to just about everyone whom she met.  I'm so glad I found the photograph that I had wanted to take when I headed to the park.  Made my day.  It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy. 

Pat and her grandson Zach Kautter in a performance
of "A Chorus Line" at his alma mater,
Central Catholic High School in Pittsburgh, PA


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