Wednesday, August 21, 2024

New Sculptures Are Added to Long's Park Story

It was an ordinary day.  Reading about two new sculptures that grace the entrance to Lancaster, Pennsylvania's Long's Park. The story in the newspaper began with...The next time you visit Long's Park, you might notice two new additions.  The sculptures by artist Matthew J. Leavell were installed at the entrance of Long's Park on Thursday, August 15.  The botanical-themed steel sculptures flank the park's main entrance.  Janice Henry, a member of the Long's Park Amphitheater Foundation board, initially approached Leavell about contributing art to the park as part of the foundation's 60th Anniversary celebration in 2022.  Though that timing didn't work out, Leavell revisited the idea last summer and offered to donate two pieces to the park, the news release said.  The sculptures are dedicated to the volunteers at the Long's Park Art Festival, the Summer Music Festival, the Summer Music Series and other initiatives.  "The installation of Matthew's sculptures is a wonderful realization of our 60th Anniversary goals," Henry said.  "It's a testament to the lasting impact of our volunteers and the community that supports us."  Level, who has a studio near downtown Lititz, is known for his whimsical metal sculptures.  His work is in private homes and gardens, municipal parks and corporate campuses across the country.  Leavell's donated sculptures are valued between $15,000 and $25,000.  Level, who moved to Lancaster in 2020, said the Long's Park Art Festival - held annually on Labor Day weekend - was pivotal in his decision to relocate to the area.  "Lancaster is punching way about its weight class in regard to the art festival," Level said in the news release.  "The production quality, the sheer scale, the number of volunteers, and the clientele that the event attracts are at least on par with some of the most prestigious and well-funded events in the nation."  Well....I just had to take a look for myself at the new sculptures that stand on either side of the main entrance to the park.  Grabbed my camera and snapped a few photographs to share with you to illustrate the new botanical sculptures that are at the entrance of Long's Park.  I live at nearby Woodcrest Villas which is about an 8th of a mile from the park.  The first photo in my story today was taken by the Long's Park Amphitheater Foundation and appeared in Lancaster's daily newspaper.

The photo shows Lititz artist Matthew J. Leavell installing one fo his new botanical sculptures at the entrance of Long's Park.  The remaining photographs are photos taken by yours truly.  It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.  PS - First 4 photos are from the left side of the entrance to the park while the second 4 photos are from the right side of the  entrance to the park.  It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.

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