Thursday, August 22, 2024

The "What An Awful Thing To Do!" Story

It was an ordinary day.  Then I opened my morning newspaper and read the headline on page 3.  "Cat Found Shot With Arrow Makes Recovery!"  Now...who could possibly shoot a helpless cat with a bow and arrow?  They need to have their head examined...or better yet...have an arrow shot through their head.  I understand if you don't like cats for one reason or another, but that doesn't give you the right to shoot one with a bow and arrow.  The story in the newspaper read...A cat found in Pequea Township with an arrow lodged in its cheek has made a full recovery and is heading to an adoptive family.  Libby Rannels, an emergency responder with the Organization for Responsible Care of Animals, said the 6-month-old cat, named Zura by the staff, has been healing well.  Only a small pink scar on her left cheek remains less than a month after her attack.  The ordeal does not appear to have had a lasting effect on the black and white cat, who Rannels described as having a relaxed and easy-going personality.  "She loves to sit in the windows of our office and look out.  She's been great with our staff," Rannels said.  "She doesn't appear to have any sign of trauma that we've seen."  After the organization posted Zura's story on its Facebook page earlier this month, an older couple who had recently lost their own cat reached out to see if they could adopt her after the feline made a full recovery.  Staff found the couple to be a good fit, and Zura will be taken to her new home today.  "She's such a chill cat.  The whole staff at the Organization for Responsible Care of Animals is sad to see her go, but we are happy she's going too a good home."  A Pequea Township resident found Zura on July 25 in the 100 block of West Willow Road with a broken metal arrow shaft lodged in her cheek.  Rannels arrived and took Zura to the Red Rose Pet Care Center in Lancaster Township.  Veterinarian Nasir Shah took an X-ray of the cat and determined that the arrow had missed the cat's major arteries, jaw and trachea.  After making a small incision, Shah was able to safely remove the arrow without causing further damage.  Pequea Township police are investigating the incident and ask anyone with information to contact the department at 717-664-1180.  I suspect they want to shoot the person who did the nasty deed with a bow and arrow...right through their jaw!  It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.  

View showing where the cat was shot.

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