Thursday, August 22, 2024

The Way To A Truly Restful Vacation

It was an ordinary day.  Reading in Time Magazine about how to obtain a truly restful vacation.  Thought you might be able to use the information if you still have a trip planned for the end of summer.  

1.  Take a few short trips instead of one long one....Because the positive effects of traveling fade about a month after you return home....and because the planning process can make you happier than the trip itself....traveling more often could be key to improving mental health says Laurence Chan, instructor of medical psychology at Columbia University.  That means taking a few smaller trips may be better than taking one big trip, he says.  

2.  Temporarily delete or mute's hard, but put your phone away as much as possible---and consider deleting your work email app while you're gone.  Research has linked spending less time on one's phone to a more relaxing vacation.

3.  Have a loose plan....If you're aiming for a relaxing getaway, you shouldn't over schedule yourself.  But, don't under schedule yourself either, says Henley Vazquez, co-founder of the travel agency Fora.  "There can be the impulse to figure it out when you're there," she says.  But faced with an empty agenda, "we end up defaulting to checking our phones."  Instead, plan a half-day's worth of activities every day.

4. Cut your trip a day short....Even though you might dream of spending 10 days sunbathing in Hawaii, nine would be better if it means you have a da of rest and recovery between your vacation and returning to work or school, experts say.

5.  Go for a hike or a swim....One study found that when people exercise on vacation--regardless of whether they do at home--the had improved sleep, heart rates, and well-being.  Although a run on the hotel gym's treadmill is good, it's better to break a sweat in nature, as exercising outdoors can lower anxiety and stress.

6.  Choose a sun-drenched spot....Regular exposure to sunlight is good for the mind and body.  One study found that people experienced more health benefits from their vacation when they were in a sunny locale rather than an overcast one.  

Hope a few of the ideas for a more restful vacation might help you with your vacation this year.  It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.

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