It was an ordinary day. Sitting with my wife, Carol, in our recliners in front of the big-screen TV on the wall talking about our days. Trying to top the other as to who had the best and worst day. Today Carol won for the best and I won for the worst. No need to tell you about mine, but you won't believe what happened to Carol today. Not only today, but many times when we go out to eat, go grocery shopping or to the mall to walk or shop. Carol works at the Parish Resource Center (PRC) in Lancaster, PA. She is the secretary to the boss, but does almost every duty in the non-denominational, non-profit ministry for religious organizations of all faiths. Today, the one consultant (person who helps people who wonder into the PRC) asked her if she would watch the desk while she prepared something in the arts and crafts room. Within a few minutes someone entered and Carol walked to the consultant's desk to offer help. Carol said the woman looked and looked at her and then said, "I love your hair. I'm heading to the hairdressers today and would like to get my hair done like your hair." She then walked the entire way around Carol, touching and feeling her hair as she went. "Who does your hair?" Carol responded with, "Mary Jane at MJ Studio on Chestnut Street in downtown Lancaster." Now this may seem strange to you but not to me. One day Carol had on some non-descript clothes and I was dressed

really neat with white shorts and a fancy Hawaiian shirt in bright colors. We were at Park City Center, a large shopping mall nearby, when someone stopped her and told her she loved her hair. One time we were at Woody's Crab House in Northeast, MD and a woman in the booth behind Carol did the same thing. Happens all the time. I told her she should talk to MJ and tell her she will give people MJ's business card with Carol written on the back and when the person arrives at the beauty parlor, Carol will get her next haircut for free. She'd probably get free haircuts for life. Now, what is different about Carol's hair? It is gray, kinda silver color, short and spikey. She uses some type of gel on it to make certain parts stick up in the air. I agree with all these women who stop and tell her her hair is great, but I'm not sure I would stop and tell someone I like their hair. No one ever stops me and tells me that. Come to think about it, quite a few people will stop her and tell her they like her earrings or some other piece of jewelry she may have on that day. Think maybe she should try to find a modeling agency that likes her hair and jewelry. Could stop working for good. It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy. PS - check out Carol's hair in the photo.