It was an ordinary day. At one time it was ordinary, but today there is a problem in "The Garden Spot Of America". For years now I have told of the outstanding farmland that is found in Lancaster, Pennsylvania where the majority of farmland belongs to The Amish and Mennonite Sects.
Amish spreading manure on their fields. |
Well, the farmland is still there, and probably will forever be there, but it seems that the farmland may be the reason for my story today, Lancaster County, PA has just been ranked as 8th worst in the nation in annual soot! For those not knowing what soot might be, it is fine particulate matter floating in the air. And, how does Lancaster County get those high amounts of soot to make it 8th worst in the nation? The answer is the "Big 3": cows, cars and coal.
Many industrial complexes in Lancaster look like this. |
On many of those farms you will find cows and other similar animals that emit ammonia from manure (poop) and urine. That's never going to go away in pastoral Lancaster County and I suppose and hope that the emissions laws for motorized vehicles using petroleum products for their power source, that were recently ordered changed from the past Presidential administration to the current administration that now allows less efficient smog controls, will be returned to past policies. But, Lancaster also happens to be in an unfortunate geographical location downwind of pollution generated by power plants to the west and such large cities such as Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Harrisburg and Washington, D.C. Depending on the direction the wind may be blowing on any one day, it could easily change the reading used to rank counties in the testing. As I examined the article more closely I realized that the ranking is based on statistics taken from 2014-2016. Now what sense does that make?
Brunner Island now is using natural gas instead of coal. |
That's more than a year ago and doesn't take into considera- tion that since 2016, nearby Brunner Island in York County, who has been cited many times for excess pollution and whose fumes pass frequently over next-door neighbor Lancaster County, has been changing from coal to natural gas to produce electricity. Pollution can travel for miles and miles as was noted when a wildfire in Albert, Canada in 2016 caused the smog levels in Lancaster County to spike significantly. Might have been the day that the readings were taken in Lancaster County that led to the poor readings and thus the poor ranking. I guess I should tell you I am upset about all the smog and soot produced in and around Lancaster County, since close to 40% of those living in Lancaster County are either considered children (under 18) or seniors (over 65).
Red-headed woodpeckers from the late 1800s to present day
are lined up in chronological order to show the difference of black
carbon, known as soot, on their feathers. This photo is from
the Field Museum in Chicago. Photo by Tristan Spinski. |
And, I have personally noticed a change in my respiratory conditions in the past few years. My nose runs non-stop many days which leads to constant mucus in my throat which leads to more spitting which leads to many more "That's gross" comments from my wife. Air pollution is known to lead to premature death and can cause a variety of lung and heart diseases. It is a big problem for those with diabetes, adult asthma, cardiovascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pediatric asthma and new lung cancer cases. Why can't we solve all the problems? Money!! Jobs!! Politics!! Want to name a few yourself.
Barbara, a friend of Carol and mine, lives in
Sint Maarten and sent this photo of the dump
that has been burning for over 10 years. |
Carol and I have friends on the island of Sint Maarten who have been battling a nearby municipal dump that has been burning for years and years. They now need to stay inside or wear a mask depending upon which way the wind blows. The dump is right next to the capital town of Philipsburg. They have written letters to just about everyone they can think of including the top officials in the Netherlands which controls the island. They have received no help! The dump is close to the cruise port where thousands of tourists depart to visit Philipsburg daily. What can they do? Again: Money, politics, etc. Here's hoping that Lancaster County will be able to solve their problems so those of us who are most affected due to age can live pollution free. Maybe it will happen in my lifetime, but I'm not counting on it. It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.
PS - The following 2 letters were sent by residents, including my friend Barbara, to those who can do something about pollution on the island. Now it is up to those in power to actually do something about it. Just as in the United States, we only hope the government will take the concerns of the citizens to heart and do something. If not...get new people in charge during elections.
A more recent view of the dump and the air quality. |
February 6, 2018
His Excellency Eugene Holiday
Governor of Sint Maarten
Falcon Drive 3
Harbour View
Philipsburg, Sint Maarten
Mr. Chris Johnson
Office of the Dutch Representative in Philipsburg, Sint Maarten
Your Excellency,
The Sint Maarten Pride foundation, a community environmental nonprofit foundation, has been noting frequent violent landfill fires that have been flaring up before and after hurricane Irma. Even more worrisome is the violent flare up of the second Irma dump on February 4th.
Our Group has noted that our local government has made no headway with a project of a modern waste to energy plant, or a plan of shipping waste off island.
Our concern is that it is well known that the landfill has reached its expiration date several years ago and instead of our government placing this issue as a high priority of finding a long-term solution, government instead created a second landfill dumping area.
This situation is exasperated by the mass waste of post hurricane Irma where not only regular household waste is discarded but also combustible containers and materials that should not be dumped on landfills due to their fire flammable dangers.
Your excellency, our group is appealing to you as we have lost faith and trust in our local government in ensuring that our citizens health is secured. In fact we are worried that our children and adults are exposed to this environmental hazard and the toxins every single day. The landfill is constantly smoking and too often flares up as raging out of control fires.
Not only are our firemen exposed trying to battle the constant fires but our residents far and wide are exposed to the foul burning odors.
We are hereby requesting you to place pressure on our local government to expediently find a long-term solution to this hazard affecting the people’s health.
Our people should not be expected to walk with face masks and close their windows and doors as a daily exercise. These procedures in fact do not even properly protect anyone from the toxic fumes.
With this letter we are also appealing to the King of the Netherlands, His Majesty King Willem-Alexander, to intervene on behalf of us the people in his Kingdom, as it appears finding a solution to the landfill is outside the scope of the local authorities.
With no headway being made by the local politicians and governing bodies, and the instability of our local governments not being able to govern properly due to government falling almost every 12 months, we are left no choice but to appeal to his Majesty, King Willem-Alexander, to intervene.
No longer should our people wait and hear political rhetoric while our people are dying of cancers and respiratory diseases.
People in the Dutch kingdom are guaranteed clean air in the constitution and so should it be for those living on Sint Maarten.
As a community environmental group our focus is not only the environmental hazard but the wellbeing, health and hygiene of our residents and visitors.
Our livelihood of tourism is at stake but more importantly our health and future livability as a people.
We trust you will take our appeal on the landfill issue and the raging fires seriously. Our group would like to see a final modern waste solution found immediately. One that we can be proud of, one where our quality of life and our future in health can be guaranteed.
Barbara Cannegieter
Secretary of Sint Maarten Pride Foundation
Jadira Veen
President of Sint Maarten Pride Foundation
Most recent letter. Click on to enlarge it. |