Friday, December 31, 2010
The "Game of Warri" Story
It was an ordinary day. Just exchanged Christmas gifts with our friends Jerry and Sue. They arrived late this afternoon and we plan to travel tomorrow to Alexandria, Virginia for the weekend. I got a game for Christmas from them. Two years ago the four of us traveled to Barbados for a vacation. Really neat time and as we traveled throughout the island, I saw this unusual game being played by many of the local people. Didn't know what it was called. Found out later from our tour/cab driver that if was called "Warri". Thought it would be neat to have a copy of the game, but never got one before we left the island. Well, Sue remembered that I wanted the game and searched online for it and that is what I just opened. The case, which serves as the game board looks to be made of beautiful mahogany while the playing pieces or round seeds are probably made from Red Sandalwood. Warri is the oldest surviving game on Barbados. It i
s a pit-and-pebble game that originated in the Sudan over 3600 years ago and came across the Atlantic in the 17th Century with the introduction of African peoples in the Caribbean to work as slaves in the colony's tobacco and sugar plantations. Pit and pebble games are probably the most arithmetical of all games. It is a game of strategy and not of chance. Sugar Island Warri as it is sometimes called or simply - The Game of Houses, is a perfect pastime for persons who like games of strategy .... the Bajan way! It looks relatively simple with the six small compartments on each side of the board and the two large compartments on either end. I did read that you place six seeds in each small compartment and you try to end up with the most seeds in your scoring pit at the end of the board. Now I have to figure out the strategy as to how to get them there. Let you know. It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
The "Universal Laws" Story
It was an ordinary day. Reading forum. Always something happening on one of the islands in the Caribbean. When I accessed the forum, it opens with threads about the island that you choose. Once you have opened the forum you can then choose to open People Talk where items related to almost anything can be discussed. I started a thread yesterday about e-readers and which one is the best for the beach. Within an hour I had a dozen responses giving me ideas about the many different e-readers that are on the market. A few days ago someone posted "Universal Laws" which pertain to just about anything. I thought I would share with you a few which seems to affect me the most. Maybe they also affect you.
1. Law of Probability - The probability of being watched is directly proportional to the stupidity of your act.
2. Law of Random Numbers - If you dial a wrong number, you never get a busy signal and someone always answers.
3. Variation Law - If you change lines (or traffic lanes), the one you were in will always move faster than the one you are in now (works every time).
4. Law of Close Encounters - The probability of meeting someone you know increases dramatically when you are with someone you don't want to be seen with.
5. Law of the result - When you try to prove to someone that a machine won't work, it will.
6. Law of Bio-Mechanics - The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the reach.
7. Law of the Theater - At any event, the people whose seats are furthest from the aisle, always arrive last and are the ones who leave their seats several times to go for food, go to the toilet or leave early.
8. Law of Commercial Marketing Strategy - As soon as you find a product that you really like, they will stop making it.
9. Law of Coffee - As soon as you sit down to a cup of hot coffee, your boss will ask you to do something which will last until the coffee is cold.
10. Law of Doctors - If you don't feel well, make an appointment to go to the doctor. By the time you get there you'll feel better. Don't make the appointment and you'll stay sick.
See yourself in any of these? I know I do. It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.
1. Law of Probability - The probability of being watched is directly proportional to the stupidity of your act.
2. Law of Random Numbers - If you dial a wrong number, you never get a busy signal and someone always answers.
3. Variation Law - If you change lines (or traffic lanes), the one you were in will always move faster than the one you are in now (works every time).
4. Law of Close Encounters - The probability of meeting someone you know increases dramatically when you are with someone you don't want to be seen with.
5. Law of the result - When you try to prove to someone that a machine won't work, it will.
6. Law of Bio-Mechanics - The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the reach.
7. Law of the Theater - At any event, the people whose seats are furthest from the aisle, always arrive last and are the ones who leave their seats several times to go for food, go to the toilet or leave early.
8. Law of Commercial Marketing Strategy - As soon as you find a product that you really like, they will stop making it.
9. Law of Coffee - As soon as you sit down to a cup of hot coffee, your boss will ask you to do something which will last until the coffee is cold.
10. Law of Doctors - If you don't feel well, make an appointment to go to the doctor. By the time you get there you'll feel better. Don't make the appointment and you'll stay sick.
See yourself in any of these? I know I do. It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
The "'Mattie' the Workhorse" Story
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
The "Tribute to a Good Friend" Story

Monday, December 27, 2010
The "That's A Lot of Bull, Harry!" Story
It was an ordinary day. We are meeting Harry and Barb for supper at the Roseville Tavern on Oregon Pike. The "We" is Carol and I and Jerry and Sue who are visiting from State College for the weekend. I have known Harry and his brother Tom for years. We grew up together at St. James Episcopal Church. Their mom was in charge of the women's group who made sandwiches and snacks for my wedding reception when Carol and I got married. Harry and his wife Barb traveled t
o Hawaii with Jerry and Sue and Carol and I when Jerry and I retired from Manheim Township HIghSchool in 1999. I haven't seen him since he had his operation earlier this year. Seems that Harry was having heart problems and his doctor had to replace a heart valve. He was telling us all about it as we ate supper. Had to cut open his chest, sawed his sternum down the middle and spread it apart with clamps to expose his heart. Just then my burger arrived. He continued with telling us that they replaced the valve with one from a bull. Yep, a real bull! It was constructed and sewn together by Chinese women. Told us that is why he doesn't eat many burgers anymore, out of respect for bulls. Now Harry can say all this with a straight face, but I couldn't stop from laughing. Carol told me she couldn't listen to anymore because she was getting chest pains just listening to it. He had more problems after the operation when both his lungscollapsed. To hear Harry tell it, it was nothing, but seemed pretty scary to me. We eventually got to talking about his hobby, WWII. He has a very large collection of weapons, uniforms, photos, etc, from the war. He and Barb actually went to France for vacation so he could land on Normandy Beach as the troops did during WWII. Harry had stories to tell about Patton and Eisenhower, as if he were personal friends with both of them. And Barb's maiden name was Doolittle and was related to General Doolittle who was in the Air Force during WWII. Harry was full of stories about WWII. I asked him if he was ever in the service himself and he told me they wouldn't accept him since he only had vision in one eye. Then I remembered when that happened to him. He was working on a car and was hit in the eye by a tool. He worried for a long time that he wouldn't be able to drive again. Then I related to everyone that my dad only had one eye and I never knew that until I was a teenager and found a spare glass eye in his dresser drawer. Then Harry said, "I knew he only had one eye." Needless to say I was surprised with his comment. "How could you know about that, when I didn't even know it?" I asked him. "My mom told me about it." he said. Then I wondered how his mom would know when I didn't even know. Well, we laughed our way through the evening and said our good-byes. Said we have to do this soon again, and I know we will. Laughter is the best remedy for all your ills!! It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.

Sunday, December 26, 2010
The "Things Always Work Out For The Best" Story
It was an ordinary day. Frost on the lawn when I went to work. Happens this time of year when the leaves are falling. When we lived on Janet Ave. I would have to scrap the windshield almost every morning from late November to early March before I could drive the car in the morning. Used to hate that. I had a garage at the house, but with three kids, the garage was used to hold the bikes, sporting equipment, lawn mower, and in later years before we moved, my 1987 Corvette. When all the kids were finally out of the house, we decided that maybe we would look for another place. One of my requirements was that it had a garage that I could keep the car in so I wouldn't have to scrap the ice off the windshield in the morning. Maybe even a two car garage so Carol could keep her car in the garage also. Seems that when I did my car, she always asked if I could scrap her windshield. Well we found the two car garage we wanted and in 1996 moved to our current home. Moved in October so we were just in time for the frosty mornings. ONE PROBLEM! Still had to garage the Corvette so my car sat out overnight. At least I only had to do the one windshield in the morning. After a few years, the Corvette started to collect dust while sitting in the garage. Carol didn't want to drive it anymore because of the extremely strong clutch and we only used it sporadically for pleasure drives. Still had to get it inspected, pay the insurance which wasn't cheap, and have the oil changed. So, I reluctantly sold the car to my next door neighbor Hank who had talked to me about selling it to him for over a year. I found that it worked out perfectly since Hank left me drive it any time I wanted to and he paid the insurance and housed the car in his garage. And ...... I no longer had to scrap ice in the morning since I could now put both the cars in the garage! It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
The "Making It Count" Story

Friday, December 24, 2010
The "Framing ....... According To James" Story

were remarkable. Type size must have been at least 24 point. Hard to believe they have lasted this many years. To frame the leaves I cut 2 openings in a piece of acid free B4148 Suedes-moss mat for the front and the same for the
rear side. I sandwiched to leaves between them, holdingthem in place with acid free artist's tabs. I then attached the two mat boards together with acid free double sided tape. I held the pieces up to the light and saw small holes in the paper for the first time. Not quite sure what may have caused that. I then placed a piece of Museum quality glass in the frame and laid the matted job on top of it. On top of the, which would be the rear of the frame, I place a piece of UV clear glass. Now the job was visible from both the front and back. Finished by using framer's pins to hold the glass and mats in place and since the pins were visible, I cut another suede mat of about 1"
Thursday, December 23, 2010
The "Magic of Christmas: A Pageant" Story
It was an ordinary day. Working at the Gallery in Neffsville. Told Keith, my boss, that I was leaving at 1:30 PM to head to Moravian Manor for my mom's Christmas show that she was in at 2:00 PM. Even at age 88 she still loves to sing in the choir. She gets the center front seat in the choir. Not because she is the best singer, but because she is the senior member, doesn't need a wheelchair or walker, and usually stays awake during the concerts. I got there at 1:40 and headed to my mom's room to put my jacket on her bed. Walked in her room and she was sound asleep in her chair. She woke as soon as she heard me moving around. I asked her what time she had to be ready for the show. "I have to be there at 2:00." I told her I thought that was the time of the show and she said it wasn't until 2:30. I checked my pocket calendar and it said the show was at 2:00. I marke
d that in the calendar last week when I asked at the desk in the PC unit where mom lives. Oh, well. I have some time to kill. Mom first shows me the TV room and the huge banner that the staff constructed for her. They taped in on the wall under the big screen TV. I could see the excitement in her eyes as she was telling me about finding it in the morning when she went to breakfast. Mom and I walked to Steinman Hall at 2:00 and she sees a few of the choir members and tells me she has to go and prepare for the show. I headed to the Cafe for some ice cream and a soda. At 2:15 I wandered over and found a seat next to Gwen, one of mom's friends. The left side of the auditorium is filled with folding chairs while the right side is empty. Then the staff starts to bring in everyone who is confined to a wheelchair. Unbelievable the amount of residents in wheelchairs. The stage looked great with the panels painted by some of the residents to resemble a house with a lit tree in the corner. Then I took a look at the program and couldn't believe th
e magnitude of it. The choir is supposed to sing nine songs and then everyone will join in for eight more songs. Before the Nativity Story was presented, staff members entered the stage and removed the painted panels to reveal other panels with the manger scene on them. Now, that drew a round of applause from the audience. Then the Nativity Story began. The Nativity Story had Mary and Joseph, the Shepherds, Angels, and Kings. Each group was introduced by a song with multiple verses and a song or two was thrown in along the way. All participants were staff members of Moravian Manor. By the end of the show I was exhausted. I could just imagine how the residents must feel. As soon as the choir director wished everyone a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year, the crowd gave a round of applause. Wow, they are awake now. I waited for the staff to return all the wheelchair bound residents, then headed to the choir chairs for my mom. She told me she wanted to go back to her room and sit on her chair. The folding chair she was sitting on for the last 2 hours or more was a little hard on the butt. S
he did have a great time dressed with her red Santa hat and hearing and singing her favorite carols. But, supper is coming and NO ONE is late for that! I gave her a kiss and told her to call me tonight before she goes to bed. It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy. PS - Pixs from the top are the sign in the TV room made for mom by the staff, mom singing in the choir (second from the right belting out the song), and the Nativity Story on stage.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
The "Christmas In Miniature" Story

Tuesday, December 21, 2010
The "Hey, Mr. Banjo Man, Play a Carol for Me" Story

Monday, December 20, 2010
The "You can call me Father, Brother, or Reverend" Story
It was an ordinary day. Just finishing work and was sitting at home reading the newspaper. Turned the page and my attention was drawn to a color photo of this pretty girl on the stairs. Name was Anna and under her photo the caption said that she was ordained online specifically to perform a wedding ceremony for a close friend. Yea, right! Have to read this story. I just posted two stories on my blog about playing church and having a dream about being a minister. Maybe I really can be one. Seems that more and more
people are getting ordained online today. Last year, about one in seven weddings were performed by a friend of the couple. Andre Hensley, president of the non-denominational Universal Life Church, which has been issuing ordination credentials since 1962, estimated that his church has ordained 18 MILLION people. About 3,000 to 5,000 are ordained every month. Takes about 24 hours for the church to process an ordination request, all of which is reviewed by a live person (as opposed to a dead one, I guess). Wow, I really can be a minister. I could perform weddings, baptisms, give communion, give sermons, and even count the money in the offering plate. I'll bet there has to be some kind of tax break for being a minister, also. What the heck, I'm going to do it! Looked up the Universal Life Church on the Internet and right there it was - Get Ordained Online. I hit the "GET ORDAINED" button, filled in my email address, name, and hit the "Continue" button. Viola, the next screen proclaimed me "Rev. Woods". Said I am now
an ordained minister and I can take advantage of minister privileges by ordering a certificate to hang on the wall. Iwonder if the State of Pennsylvania will recognize me as a minister. Maybe claim my house as the rectory and not have to pay property tax on it. Hey, anyone need a service performed. Leave a comment for me and I'll be in touch. You can call me Father, Brother, Reverend, or just LDub. It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.

Sunday, December 19, 2010
The "Postlude: I Had A Dream" Story
It was an ordinary day. The alarm just woke me. I was in the middle of my sermon. Yep, had a dream last night that I was preaching at St. James Episcopal Church. The part of the dream that I remember started in the back of the church when Father Peck told me that he wanted me to give my first sermon today. He quickly went to the pulpit and removed his notes he had left there. Everything was clear for me. Hey, I just started here at the age of 66. And ..... I'm not prepared to give a sermon. When it was time for the sermon I went to the pulpit and looked down at the congregation. Full house today. I started with, "Good morning." A few minor noises so I said, "Maybe you didn't hear me. I said Good morning!" A loud "Good Morning" arose from the congregation. I hadn't given a sermon since I "played church" on Queen Street. Everyone's still with me. This is a dream, remember. I wasn't scared at all when I started talking. I gave a story of my life at St. James. Told about going to neighboring St. Paul's Methodist down on South Queen as a child and coming to St. James to sing in the boys' choir. Talked about loving to sit in the choir stalls during communion since everyone had to pass me and I got to look at all the cute girls. Also talked about singing with the St. Cecilia choir on the first Sunday evening of the month. This was a girls choir with girls my age in the choir. Ended taking one of them to my prom years later. Was just about ready to talk about graduating to the adult choir when this noise started to ring in my ear. Then again it rang. Geez, it's my alarm clock. And .... I dreamt this entire story. I hope you read my story from yesterday, because the sermon comes before the collection and I didn't get to take anything home from my dream. I believe that writing the story yesterday mentally led me to dream this story last night! It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
The "Prelude: Playing Church" Story
It was an ordinary day. The service was almost over. Not quite sure what day of the week it was, but I was finishing being the minister at 929 North Queen Street. I lived there with my mom, dad, and brother. We were members at St. James Episcopal Church in downtown Lancaster, PA where I was a member of the boy's choir. I started singing in it when I was about 10 years old. You had to know how to read music before you were allowed to join the choir. My dad was a featured soloist in the choir, so it was only natural that I would join when I could. After a year or two of singing in the choir and going to church twice on Sunday, I thought it would be neat to be a minister like Reverend Batchelder, our minister. So, I started holding my own church services at home. The only people who attended were my mom and dad and sometimes my NanNan (grandmother) if she happened to be visiting with us at the time. My younger brother, Steve, always managed
to be in his room or outside when it was time for the service. I would stand halfway up the steps behind the wooden bannister in the living room and read from the Bible, the Prayer Book and direct the hymns from our Hymnal. Had my dad's "Daily Devotions" booklet that I would use to read from for the sermon. Even gave communion using crackers and grape juice. And then, just before the service was over I would pass the small wicker basket that my mom had around for the collection. That, needless to say, went into my pocket! My NanNan always gave me a dollar when she was there for the service. Boy, what a job. And, you got paid for it. Not quite sure why I never became a REAL minister, but I chose a different profession. But you know, the guy who sat next to me in choir is now a REAL minister and has his own church in Maryland. I guess he got more money in his basket when he played church and decided to keep it going. It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.

Friday, December 17, 2010
The "We Named Our Cat After A Cookie" Story
It was an ordinary day. I was talking to my daughter Brynn and she was telling me that Camille, my granddaughter, was having a fundraiser at school and they were selling OtisSpunkmeyer cookies. Wow, the same kind of cookies that my kids grew up on. In the late 80s and early 90s, when my kids were in high school at Manheim Township where I taught, they would talk all the time about the cookies that they had in the cafeteria at lunchtime. The best chocolate chip and sugar cookies that they had ever eaten they would tell us. Now they have to be great because I thought that my wife made the best chocolate chip and sugar cookies. She really does, you know!. I just finished eating a batch of them dunked in milk. Well, one day I finally had a chance to try some in school an
d they were very good. Really big cookies! They made them fresh everyday in the cafeteria and you could smell them cooking from my classroom which was around the corner from the cafeteria. The kids wanted to know if I could bring any of the dough home so their mom could cook them at home for us. I asked in the cafeteria and they said I could buy them by the box. They would sell them to me for what the school paid for them. A box held a gross and wasn't cheap. No quite sure anymore how expensive they were. They were frozen individual pre-measured units in the box. All you had to do was put them in the oven and heat them up for 18 minutes. So easy, I could do that. We ate then almost every night for dessert. Dipped them in milk and they were great dipping cookies. Absorbed the milk perfectly. I can taste and smell them as I type this! A gross was gone in no time with 5 people eating them. The company, Otis Spunkmeyer, Inc., was founded in Oakland California in 1977. The owner, KennethRawlings took the suggestion of his 12-year-old daughter, and named the company OtisSpunkmeyer. The company originally was a retail store which grew into a few stores a
nd eventually went to just wholesale sales. In 1987 they bought a pair of DC-3 aircraft and put their logo on them and used them to deliver the cookies. Quite a few were and still are purchased for the U.S. Army for the troops. Eventually we grew tired of them and went on to cherry crisp which was made in the cafeteria. in 2002 we bought a Himalayan cat and the kids suggested we namehim "Otis", after the cookies that they were so fond of in high school. And we did. We now have a living, constant reminder of the warm, doughie, sweet smelling cookies we loved so much. Otis is now 18 years old and still never ate a single Otis Spunkmeyer chocolate chip cookie, but he is still warm, sweet smelling, and at times doughie. It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.

Thursday, December 16, 2010
The "Fishing, Smoking, and Looking Cool" Story
It was an ordinary day. Just got a Christmas card from my childhood friend Dick W. Dick was in my wedding and we still correspond with greeting cards. Have to visit him someday. Wonder if I would still recognize him. Has to be at least 40 years since I last saw him. Reading the card that came today brought back fond memories of the warm summer nights that I would wait for Dick W. to arrive to take me fishing. Dick was a year older than me and I never really got to know him until I had to take the bus to school in 7th grade. Seems he lived on the other side of Prince Street and I wasn't supposed to be visiting that part of the neighborhood when I was little. That's the side where my friend Jerry lived and I very seldom got to see him when I was little except in school. Well, when I entered 7th grade I got to take the yellow bus to school every morning. Had to walk a block and a half, cross over Prince Street, and wait at Frey's Lumber Yard. They were nice enough to let the 10-15 kids from the neighborhood wait inside in the cold and rainy weather. That's when I met Dick W. We both talked about going fishing and how much we enjoyed it. Then when he turned 16 he bought a 1953 Chevy. It was the neatest car, or so everyone thought. He had wheels and freedom. In the summer after he turned 16 he would pick me up at my house and we would go fishing. Usually 2 or 3 times a week. My parents met him and approved of him so I was good to go. Little did they know that Dick supplied me with some smokes (legitimate ones) when we were fishing. That's when you wore white t-shirts and rolled the sleeves up and kept your smokes in your sleeve. That's what Dick did and he looked really neat. We were COOL! We sometimes fished close-by, but most of the time we went to Safe Harbor Power Plant to fish. You parked and then walked in the guard house to sign your name before you were allowed on the dam. The concrete dam would vibrate sometimes from the power of the Susquehanna River flowing through the gates of the dam. We fished the gates for anything that would bite. Always used worms which we would get the night before from our back yard. If you have never gone worm hunting, you've been deprived of a great time. Have to wait until after dark and the grass gets damp. The worms come out of the ground and you use a flashlight to spot them and grab them before they can get back in their hole. Real fun thing to do! OK, back to the story. At times the alarm would sound on the dam and everyone would have a few minutes to clear the dam before they would open more gates to help generate more power. Weren't allowed on the dam when they opened the gates because of safety. Then the alarm would go again and everyone would return. When it would start to get dark you were expected to return to the guard house and sign out. After I turned 16 and got my 1953 Henry J we took turns driving. I have many fond memories of fishing, smoking, talking about girls, and laughing with Dick W. at Safe Harbor. It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy. PS - In my wedding photo, Dick W. is in the back row, second from the left with the big smile. I'm sure he's thinking of the good times we had together. He was one of my ushers.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010
The "Backyard Cemetery" Story
It was an ordinary day. Just buried another animal in the flower garden. Did this pretty regularly when I was
growing up on North Queen Street. I can remember the family dog dying and my dad and I digging a big hole in the flower bed and burying him in it. Put him in a wooden produce box that we got at the grocery store. Those are the things you just never forget. I can remember burying my wife's dog a year after we were married in my cousin's junk yard, but that's another story. Getting back to Queen Street, I raised guinea pigs and white mice and they were always dying. Especially when you have close to 60 or more pets at any one time. And, when the guinea pigs are kept in cages in the backyard year-round. I tried to make the cages as warm as I could with straw, but some still could not weather the cold. And, did you ever try to dig a hole in the flower bed to bury something in the middle of winter when the ground is frozen. I got pretty good at it!! The mice were easy, but the guinea pigs were quite a bit larger and I always put them in a shoe box wrapped in a wash cloth. You needed a proper burial, right? Can't see how people can flush a goldfish down the drain. How would you like to be flushed down the sewer? I'm sure that my parents were glad when I gave up raising the pigs and mice. Their flower bed was getting pretty full and then you had the cost of all those washcloths. It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy. PS - photo is of my dog and I standing on the backyard cellar door on Queen Street. Not sure what happened to this dog.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
The "Talk About A Coincidence" Story
It was an ordinary day. Just got an email from Norm. For the last five years I have been following the travel forum "" (TTOL) and have met many people online who share their passion of traveling to the Caribbean, especially St. Martin. One of those people is Norm Oppliger. We also both belong to "SXM Travel Forum" where we dupe it out for prizes in the photo contests that are sponsored on that forum. A year ago I beat Norm in a photo contest and won a set of coasters from a vendor in St. Martin. We were battling for another contest which featured food photos when the contest was withdrawn from the site. The masthead photo for the SXM forum features photos taken by both Norm and myself. I feel like I know him from sharing threads on the travel forums. Then, Carol and I found that we will be able to travel to St. Martin at the end of January. I saw that Norm will be there about the same time and was having a party for friends of the forum. My problem was that we leave two days before the party. Won't get to meet him in person. So, I decided to email him. Found his home email on TTOL and sent him a letter. His profile on TTOL lists his residence as St. Louis, MO. His wife's name is Betty and he says he is a semi-retired home repair/remodeling contractor. Right up my alley. He has made 14 trips to St. Martin so I have some catching up to do. I also told him about being a teacher in the Industrial Arts area and that we were coming on vacation with another couple and he was also an IA teacher. Told him in my email how sorry Carol and I were that we weren't going to be able to go to his party. Was wondering if we could meet him and Betty before we left. They arrive a day after we do, but are staying for two weeks, while we are only able to stay for one week. Well he replied the same evening telling me he was sorry I would miss his party, but we can meet at 7:30 PM at La Bamba Beach Bar on Sunday evening for classic rock an
d roll. He told me it's just down the street from where we are staying. If that doesn't suit we can meet at Andy and Cheryl's Baywatch restaurant on Orient Beach any day for lunch. They also will have retired teachers staying with them. And then the last few sentences of his response which took me by surprise: Coincidence - I also taught "shop" for 16 years. Now have stained glass for a hobby along with piano and organ. Let's keep in touch and pick out schedules as we get closer to time. WOW!! Carol read the email and said, "Did you tell him that you enjoy stained glass, also?" "No, but what a coincidence!" I said. Looks like we'll be listening to the oldies or eating lunch together soon. And, I know I will recognize him and his wife because his photo on TTOL shows him with no hair like myself. Can hardly wait. It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.

Sunday, December 12, 2010
The "May The Spirit Be With Us" Story
It was an ordinary day. Spent the evening taking photos at the First Annual Advent Art Show at the Parish Resource Center in Lancaster. Carol is the Administrative Assistant for the President of the PRC. The PRC is a place were church congregations or church leaders can come to learn, receive help, or borrow materials that will aide them in their worship. The President, Dave, asked if I could take photos of the art show so they could use them on their web site. I arri
ved shortly after the show opened at 7:00 PM. Got to meet all the artists and had a chance to take a photo of each one with their artwork. Some had only one piece in the show while others had a full display. The theme of the show was "Longing for the Light" and most had that in mind when they placed their art in the show, but you would have to stretch your imagination quite a bit to fit others into the theme. One artist was a 27 year old refugee from Burma who is being sponsored by the Habecker Mennonite Church. His wife and child are still in a refugee camp. A young girl entered two horizontal five foot long by two foot high panels that were intense blackwith what seemed to be light com
ing from color on them. One member of PRC Board of Directors, who is also an ordained minister, entered two 16"x20" black and white designs which he made using Wordle on the computer. Pretty neat idea and they actually had the words "Longing for the Light" in them. A fellow in a Washington Redskins baseball cap had two oils that featured candles. After taking a few photos of the great room where the art was dis
played I stood back and took a shot of the large poster that Carol made to announce the show. I placed the poster on the left of the photos and the great room to the right. Pretty neat photo. Then I was showing the photos to a PRC consultant who was onduty for the evening and realized that the one with the poster was very strange. There was a face on the poster. You could see a forehead, slight ridge where the eyebrows should be, lower cheek, lips and a jaw line among the words on the po
ster. WOW! Someone else came to see the show! A Pentecostal pastor was really moved with the frame on my camera and told me he saw a lion's face and told me about an angel who turned into a lion to fight off the witch. Never heard that story before, but I guess he knew what he was talking about. He showed it to a female minister from the UCC Church and she looked at it and said she didn't see a thing. Many thought the
Holy Spirit was in attendance to bless the artists. After coming home I downloaded the photos into my iPhoto program and hit "Delete" after it was finished downloading. MISTAKE!! I no longer saw the face on the photo and worse then that, I no longer had the photo on my camera. I have included the photo with the story, but you will struggle to see anything other than a regular photo. The Holy Spirit is off to more meaningful venues
than my computer. But, I'll tell you, I certainly was moved! It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy. PS - Can you see any of the face that was seen by many in the last photo of the story? You know, at times I still can see an image!!

Saturday, December 11, 2010
The "It's A Small World" Story
It was an ordinary day. I had just dropped Sally off at her house. I took her to the Parish Resource Center tonight to see the art show they were having. My wife suggested I should take her since she doesn't enjoy driving at night. Sally was my wife's boss when she was the head of the Parish Resource Center. After Sally retired a few years ago, she and Carol and I remained close friends. I still remember when Carol applied for the job at the PRC. She came home from the job interview and told me she was interviewed by the Director of the place. Her name was Sally B. She said Sally liked her outfit and her nails and thought she had a good chance of getting the job. "Does she have a daughter named Renee?" I asked. Carol replied, "How would I know, I just met the lady." The reason I asked her was I had a girl in class years ago who had the same last name, and there can't be many people by that name in Lancaster (Actually Google lists 3 in the country). Well, Carol got the job and Sally did have a daughter named Renee. The same Renee that I had in my Graphic Arts class in the late 80s. Renee was extremely talented artistically and created a calendar of her artwork which she printed on the offset press, assembled, and bound for her project in my class. I submitted it in the Susquehanna Litho Club student printing contest and she won first place. The Susquehanna Litho Club is a professional printer's association in Lancaster and the surrounding area. My Graphics class was the only Industrial Arts class that Renee took in her senior year. I nominated her for the Steven Humphreville award at the end of the year which is given in honor of Steve who was a high school student who died working at a lumber yard. His parents established the award for the senior with the most promising future in the Industrial Arts area. Since Renee had only my recommendation, I didn't think she had a chance to win, but after reviewing the other candidates whose names were submitted by other teachers, she was picked to receive the award at graduation. Renee was the first female to ever win the award at MTHS. Renee entered Rochester Institute of Technology and majored in Graphic Arts. After graduation
she worked in the industry, but didn't enjoy the experience because of the unionization of the workers. She then entered Marywood College and got a degree in Art Therapy. She has a studio in Norristown where she now works primarily with children. Still using her
artistic skills in her work. Sally, Carol and I visited with Renee a few years ago at her studio, then went to lunch together. We all had a great time reminiscing and talking about what was in store for Renee's new studio. It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy. PS - photos are from Renee's website at - check it out and see what she is doing with her artistic talent.

Friday, December 10, 2010
The "Christmas Decorations at LDub's House" Story

Thursday, December 9, 2010
The "Alexandria, VA: Part 4 - The Torpedo Factory Art Center" Story
It was an ordinary day. Sunday's schedule: up at 8:00 AM, shower and pack the bags. We are in Alexandria, VA for the week-end and enjoying our stay. Carol and I as well as Jerry and Sue traveled to Old Town Alexandria yesterday for the Scottish Parade, shoppi
ng, food, and the Light Parade of Boats down the Potomac River last evening. Today we plan to have out final meal in Old Town and head to the Torpedo Factory before driving back to Lancaster. Found a FREE parking space in front of Christ Church. I take that as a sign that our day wi
ll be prosperous. Now to find a place for breakfast. Walked a few blocks to King Street and found restaurants on either side of the street. Neither one had eggs and bacon and that is what we were looking for. As we were standing on the corner looking in all directions for an alternate choice a young man walked up to wait for the light to change. I asked him if he was from around the area. Got a negative response. Then I said we wanted a place to eat breakfast. That got a positive response. He told us he worked a few blocks toward the water in a restaurant and they had great breakfast. Even had the eggs and bacon we wanted. We followed him to the Monaco Hotel. Very ritzy! We all agreed we were cold, so let's eat i
n the Monaco's restaurant, "Jackson 20". Can't be that much! The food, atmosphere, wait staff and price was great. One of the best breakfasts I have ever had. The scones were scrumptious as was the honey smoked bacon, hash brown potatoes and eggs. Got three eggs for the price of two. The price for two was a little extreme, but hey, the atmosphere made up for it. Got to watch the street traffic, since t
hey gave us seats by the window. Perfect! Now, for our trip today. We are going to the Torpedo Factory Art Center which is located along the water at the foot of King Street. The building was used to manufacture torpedoes during WWII. Once WWII ended, production ceased and the building sat empty. Then the US Government used the building as storage for the Smithsonian, Congressional papers, and other stored records. In 1969 the Government sold the building to the city of Alexandria and in 1974 it was renovated to house art studios and to support a community of artists. Really neat building with three fl
oors of small shops filled with every type of artwork imaginable. Got talking to Don Viehman who specialized in contemporary Cloisonne. His jewelry was beautiful. He would start with a piece of silver, coat it with a special enamel and fire it. He then took extremely thin brass wire and make compartments on the piece of silver and re-
fired the piece. He then used what he called glass powder to fill the compartments and then fire one more time. The results were stunning. I would have purchased a piece for Carol, but we weren't prepared for the hefty prices that he got for the pieces. I have used a few of the ideas I have seen at the Torpedo Factory for my own artwork, but doubt if I will ever try what Don showed me. He is truly a fine artist. Shortly after noon we walked
to our car and headed back toward Lancaster, after having a thoroughly enjoyable trip to Alexandria, Virginia. It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy. PS - pixs from the top are: Carol and Sue waiting for breakfast, my extra good breakfast, the exterior of the Torpedo Factory, Jerry looking at the explanation of how the factory was established and how it became an art gallery, an interior shot showing the levels of the factory, Don Viehman's glass powder used for his jewelry making, and a pin designed by Don using the Contemporary Cloisonne method.

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