The "Hey, Mr. Banjo Man, Play a Carol for Me" Story
It was an ordinary day. Carol and I are headed home from Moravian Manor in Lititz, PA after attending "Our Annual Christmas Party" in the Hern Hut Personal Care unit. My mom resides there with about 20 other people. She is 88 years old and having a great time. One of the few who are able to participate in just about every event that they have. Music presentations, choir, games, speakers, trips, etc. are a few of the events they have for the residents. Today was the party to celebrate Christmas. We arrived at 2:30 PM as the invitation stated. No sooner did we arrive and find a seat, then they started the party. Melissa, one of the aides, had everyone form a circle around her with their chairs and we played a game called "Left and Right." She showed us a small green box that contained a gift. She handed it to a resident and told them that when she started to read the story, they were to pass it to their right. The story began and the box remained still. Melissa had to take the box, pry it from the resident, and hand it to the person on the right of the original holder of the box. She held the story she was reading in one hand and coaxed the box along with the other. When she read .... "and it was left out in"..... she had the person with the box start it back the other way, or to the left. I could see and tell this was going to take forever. Most had no idea what they were doing. Finally, the person to my right happened to have the box in her hand as the story ended. Carol, my wife won the game, much to her dismay!! She opened it and it was 4 cookies! Supper! Next were refreshments. Tough to maneuver all those walkers around in a small space with about 25 other guests. But, we all enjoyed cookies, punch, cheese and crackers and candy. Then the entertainment arrived. "Bob the Banjo Man" stood in front of the group and played and sang Christmas carols. You could tell he had done it before. He involved the residents with questions they could answer and with songs that they could easily sing. And ..... he was really good on the banjo. Most were tapping their foot on the floor or their hand on their knee including me. One resident stood, grabbed who I assumed was his daughter, and started to dance. Bob finished with "White Christmas" and a big round of applause from the group. Just like that the party was over. Some retreated to their rooms while others sat and talked with friends and family. And you know, not a single person fell asleep during the party!! That usually happens, you know! It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.
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