It was an ordinary day. Just got an email from Stephane who works at Foncia Cap Caraibes in St. Martin. We rent our vacation villas from Foncia every year and Stephane and Magali always help us with the rentals. I emailed Stephane yesterday asking for help with a different problem. I needed him to help me identify a few of the plants and flowers from the island. This past month, during our vacation, I photographed all of the flowers and shrubs around our villa and a few that i found on some of the beaches we visited. With all the rain that we had during the vacation, the flowers were in full bloom, and just beautiful. A few of the varieties we have in the states, but most are found primarily in the Caribbean where the climate is hot and dry most of the year. Following are the results of my photography. It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.
I believe this is my favorite St. Martin flower. Known in French as the larme du christ or Christ's Army.
The pink Hibiscus flower
Another variety of the Hibiscus, the red one
The very sweet smelling Tahitian Gardenia

The red or pink West Indies Jasmine

Blossoms and leaves from the Seagrape tree
The delicate Bougainvillea flower

A beautiful Spider Lily
This is the Bactris gasipaes or Palm Blossom

The red Plumeria
This is the yellow West Indies Jasmin

The stunning Flamboyant blossom
One of my favorites, the Alamanda
The Coccoloba Seagrape blossom or the raisinier bord de mer in French

This is the Yucca flower or fleur de yucca as translated in French