The "Gonna have to cut back a little" Story
It was an ordinary day. Just filled up the Merc SUV at "Giant to Go." A few years ago my daughter was visiting from Maryland with the grand kids and I was telling her about how much it cost me to fill up the tank in the Merc SUV. "I just filled my car up and I got 30 cents off per gallon," she told me. "How did you do that?" I replied to her. "For every $100 I spend at the Giant store, I get 10 cents off of each gallon when I get gas," s
he said. Seems that the Giant chain they have in Maryland is different than the Giant chain we have here in Lancaster. I should have have known that because every time I buy something at her Giant and try to scan my bonus card, it rejects it. And, the Giant in Maryland is the one that gave the 10 cents off per gallon. Well, as most of you know, it eventually worked it's way to our Giant Supermarkets, and none too soon. After coming back from visiting her in Maryland yesterday, I stopped and got gas. My screen in my car was telling me that I had so many miles to empty, so I was almost out of gas. Took
a whole bunch!! Lucky for me I got 90 cents off of each gallon. Sizable savings, but you can figure out how much I must have spent on groceries to be able to get that 90 cents off of each gallon. Not only do I have to cut back on my driving, I have to cut back on my eating! Will be a benefit to not only the wallet, but the pouch! It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.
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