It was an ordinary day. And, Christmas has drawn to a close for my 68th time. Another great year of celebrating Christmas with the family. Carol and I naturally exchange gifts with each other and my favorite this year was the fish-eye lens that she got me for my DSLR camera. We also buy gifts for our children and their spouses as well as close friends, but what we enjoy the most is buying gifts for our three grandchildren. We try to buy them one big gift as well as a few small ones. This year we talked it over and decided to buy them Kindle Fire notepads as their main gift. Right after Thanksgiving, Amazon.com had the Kindle Fire on sale for a great price, but you could only purchase one. Carol and I talked it over and thought we would take advantage of the deal and tried to figure how we could beat the one only thing. Well, I purchased one on my Apple computer at home with our home email address. Then she bought one at work using our gmail address which we use when traveling. OK, now what do we do for the third one? Decided to call our daughter who lives in Maryland and have her purchase one using her account and address. Big Mistake! We should have had her use our home address as where we wanted it to be mailed to, as we did for the other two. Well, our Kindles were delivered to our place within a few days and finally our daughter called and said her's had arrived. I asked her to sent it immediately to our house so I could charge it and add our Wi-Fi to the menu so they would work as soon as the kids opened them. She mailed it on the 6th of December from her work address in Maryland. She managed to put in it the mail bin just a little too late for Thursday pick-up, but it was picked up on Friday December 7. Gives us two weeks to get the Kindle Fire. I stuck a check in the mail for her for the Kindle and the postage and thought everything was going great. Then, in the middle of the week of the 16th, after I had wrapped all the gifts, I was checking everything and realized I only wrapped two Kindles. Geeeez, now what do I do. Called my daughter and she told me when she had mailed it. Guess it will arrive soon, I hoped. Nothing on the 20th, 21st or 22nd. I now had only a few more days before someone was going to be disappointed if they didn't have a Kindle to open on Christmas at LDub's house. What to do? I hopped in the car and headed to Walmart to see if I could buy another one, figuring I could return the one coming in the mail when it eventually arrived. Walmart doesn't sell them anymore. Neither did Kmart! I grabbed my cell and called my wife and told her to see if she could order another one at regular price today from Amazon.com and check to see if we could get it by Monday afternoon. Then told her I was headed to Best Buy to see if they still sold the Kindle. I was half-way there and my cell rang. Carol told me she had just ordered another one at regular price and it was guaranteed to be delivered on Monday, for an additional $20 of course. I felt relieved. I decided to continue to Best Buy just in case and when I found that they had a few left, I bought another one, hopping that I would be able to email Amazon.com as soon as I returned home and cancel the order Carol had just placed. Yep, I got my Kindle, arrived home and managed to have the Kindle canceled before they added the charge to my account. Then I got to thinking, maybe I will wait until Monday to open the one I had just purchased at Best Buy and see if the one my daughter had mailed on the 6th actually arrives. That way I can return the one to Best Buy unopened. Monday's mail was a washout so I opened the one from Best Buy and charged and prepared it for a gift. Everything seemed to be OK until today when my one granddaughter told me that her Kindle wasn't holding a charge and could she return it for another one. Luckily I don't have any hair or it might have been all over the floor. Sure, I can return it. I'm Tampah, after all. Then she realized it was the charger unit I had loaned her that wasn't working and we were back in business again. So now everyone is happy and I'm waiting for another one to arrive. If I needed a tablet I might just keep it, but we bought an iPad last year and don't need it. I won't even open it. Just pull my account up on Amazon.com and push the return button. Simple as that. I will receive a pre-paid mailing label and all will be well. Allegedly!! It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.
Grandkids Camille and Caden enjoying their new presents.