Thursday, January 19, 2012
The "Will the End Ever Come?" Story
It was an ordinary day. And again, another story in the newspaper about the Penn State Scandal. I have been reading all of them, even a few from out of state newspapers. And, I'm ready to make peace with JoePa. Still feel like he has to share some of the blame for what happened, but I do believe that he is so far out of touch with the real world, or should I say current world, that he really didn't know how to handle the situation. He is just too old to be in the position that he was in the first place. If only he had known when to quit. I know I'm getting old and can't do some of the things that I used to do, but at least I realize it. Joe didn't!! He shouldn't have been coaching. Should have quit years ago. I know he couldn't have broken the record for most wins, but this all might not have happened if he had retired years ago. I know that he loved what he did, but he still could have enjoyed Penn State football without being the coach. I do not believe that Joe called most of the plays for his team, both on offense and defense. He is from the "Old School" of smash-em' football and all th
e new offenses and defenses have left him in the dust. The team still excels, not because of Joe, but because of the cast of assistants that run the show. After reading Joe's interview with Sally Jenkins for the Washington Post, I can see that he has no clue how to handle the problems of today's world. As he sat in his wheelchair, around the kitchen table with most of his family, he talked about the ordeal that has left him disgraced in the eyes of many. His lung cancer has robbed him of the breath to say all that he wants to say. As if he doesn't have enough problems with his health, he now has the weight of the world on his shoulders, also. I do feel sorry for him. The day that assistant Mike McQueary visited him with the shocking news about what had happened in the shower room at Penn State, Joe had no clue what to do. I know he went to the athletic director and chief of police of the college to tell them what he had heard, but did he really know what had happened. I DON'T THINK SO! He states that he had never heard of rape and a man. And I believe that. He passed the info on to others that he thought would know what to do. And they sat on it. That's why they are now being prosecuted. But, Joe realizes he isn't the victim either. He told the reporter, "You know, I'm not concerned about me. What's happened to me has been great. I got five great kids. Seventeen great grand-children. I've had a wonderful experience here at Penn State. I don't want to walk away from this thing bitter. I want to be helpful." His wife Sue said, "It's a bad scene for this happy valley." Joe's name has been removed from trophies. The Maxwell Club of Philadelphia has discontinued its Joseph V. Paterno Award which was given to the coach who made a positive impact on the lives of those they came in contact with. A nomination for the Presidential Medal of Freedom has been withdrawn. And the list goes on and on. Will his statute next to the stadium in State College be the next thing to go. He was told he was terminated as football coach over the phone. Come on Penn State, that's a disgrace! You're better than that. His wife Sue called the messenger right back after Joe hung up and said, "After 61 years he deserved better!" And I agree. Even though Joe isn't the victim in this tragedy, he is sinking with ship anyway. He stated, "I wanted to build up, not break down." If only he had known with to quit! Can't imagine what he must be going through. Certainly isn't enjoying his retirement! It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy. PS- photo was from the Washington Post.

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