It was an ordinary day. Answering for the umpteenth time why I call myself LDub on the blog you are reading today. It's been almost ten years since I posted a story on my blog which was titled "Why LDub." One way to reach this blog is to type in When I would give friends and relatives this address they usually would ask, "What's LDub mean? Well, since it's been quite some time since I posted the story for the first time, I believe I can answer that question for everyone who may wonder "why LDub" with a repeat of the story I originally posted on November 15, 2009.
It was an ordinary day. I had just received a call from a friend asking me about my blog that I type. “What’s up with the LDub?” he wanted to know. Well, I had to give him the explanation of why I referred to myself as LDub. It all goes back to my daughter Brynn. She lives in Urbana, Maryland and plays “Bunco” once a month with her girlfriends. They always share stories about their families and she likes to share her stories about what crazy things her Mom and especially her Dad do from time to time. Her friends got to know me by my initials LW. They always wanted to know what LW did in the last month that was funny or dumb. She never disappointed them it seems. I never knew about these stories until I was ready to start my blog and asked what I should call it. She knew right away what to title it. By now her friends had stopped calling me LW, since George Bush was referred to as “W” and they knew better than to call me that. I now got the new name of LDub. So, “life with ldub” became the start of my blogspot address. Logical? A few weeks ago I was talking with a friend about my blog and he said that people like to know your real name, because it makes it more personal for them. Hey, I guess that will be OK if you know what my real name is. LARRY W. WOODS! Feel more personal now? My only problem is that there used to be another Larry W. Woods in this general vicinity and we have had quite some time with sharing the same name. It seems he moved to another state for various reasons which I could also tell you about. You know that has to be a story soon. The stories will amaze and entertain you. So, for now, I am the only Larry W. Woods that you know personally. Alias, LDub!! It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.
"LDub" - This is still one of my favorite shirts! |
Now you know the reason for my blog address! May not be what you expected, but it's the reason I use LDub. Not sure if my daughter plays "Bunco" anymore, but that's not the issue. I hope you have enjoyed reading the stories I write as much as I have enjoyed writing them. I have learned a bit of history along the way that I hadn't known and writing has brought back many fond memories I had forgotten over the years. Seems I never run out of stories, since my life, as well as your life, is nothing but stories woven together, day after day, that can be interesting if you can remember all of facts. Thanks for visiting with me. It's been fun and my typing skills have improved dramatically over the past ten years. Can't imagine how fast I will be able to type at the end of another ten years. It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.