Extraordinary Stories

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Sunday, August 23, 2020

The "The Find Of A Lifetime!" Story

It was an ordinary day.  Sitting in my lounge chair watching the Phillies on television.  All of a sudden I felt a sneeze coming on.  Grabbed the box of Kleenex that I keep next to my chair and prepared for the eventual result.  Carol and I have lived in our "Beach House" for close to 25 years now and I usually have a box of tissues next to me...just in case.  Now, before I continue with this story, I guess I should once again tell you why we call our home the "Beach House" just in case you never heard it before.  A few years before I retired from teaching, my wife and I thought it would be nice to have a home along one of the rivers that lead into the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland.  
Our "Beach House" in Lancaster
We had vacationed for years along the rivers that feed into the Bay with our family and just loved it.  So we searched for a home.  
Our family and friend along the Elk River.
We wanted it to be along the water and the least expensive home we found, that didn't take tons of work to make in livable, was a house along the Elk River that was for sale for $1.1 Million.  Hey, I was a school teacher!  So, when the house we now live in came up for sale in Lancaster, we decided to buy it.  For those who know where we live, I believe you would agree with Carol and I that it
Our water garden behind our house.
reminds you of a home along the water.  Well, we added a big pond with waterfall in the rear of the home to give us the water sound we wanted.  Now, back to my story of the day.  As I sneezed, my Kleenex tissue more than held my sneeze.  That wasn't the case for years and years.  
The new, larger size Kleenex.
I usually had to grab two tissues and place them together so I wouldn't blow a hole in the tissue with my sneeze.  And, I tried just about every tissue on the market to see which would work the best.  Well, a few weeks ago I discovered that Kleenex has come out with a new and improved tissue that is called their Multicare tissue.  It is a much larger tissue or as it says on the box, "grands mouchoirs".  The box says that it is 75% larger and 50% stronger.  And...I totally agree.  It took me 75 years to finally find a tissue that can hold my sneeze and not blow apart unless I grab two and place them together.  
Rear of the box showing you the uses.
And, by the time I have done that, I have already sneezed all over myself.  And, that's not a pleasant sight.  And, what's really neat is if you turn the box over it tells you you can use the tissue to clean your hands and wipe your pet's face as well as use for sneezing and blowing your nose.  So, even though my story today isn't what you usually expect to read on this blog site, I believe you will love the new tissues I have discovered.  Give them a try.  And, I really don't own any part of Kleenex if you were wondering.  It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.

1 comment:

  1. Can't believe I found your post ... several years after you wrote it! We live in Chester County PA just about 90 minutes east of you, and I STILL HAVE some of those "grands mouchoirs" Kleenex. They were the only tissues on an otherwise empty shelf in the Giant Grocery store after COVID hit full force. I bought 6 boxes. Yep, they do cover your whole face, and take whatever "punishment" you blow into them. I'm on my last box (because eventually "regular" tissues were back, and I saved the big ones for BIG needs, lol). So anyway, I looked for them on line and you can only get them in Europe. Or maybe Canada? Just wondering if you still have any left from 2020. Enjoy!
    Virginia ("Vee") Weller in Phoenixville
