It was an ordinary day. The story you are about to read I wrote about a week or so ago...soon after we had experienced a snow storm and when everything was covered in a beautiful white coating of snow. Well...I never did post that story, since I had a few other stories I wanted to share with you instead of the snow story. I sit by my computer, I am once again looking out my window to a beautiful coating of snow that began yesterday and is still dropping layers of white snow flakes. Looks just beautiful! And, luckily for me, I don't have to do anything about it! So, rather than re-do what I did just a week or so ago by writing my story about it snowing, I will just post my original story from a week ago......
It was an ordinary day. Sitting by my computer, getting ready to type another story. Easy decision to make as to what I should write about, since there is about a half-foot of snow in front of my Villa at 408 Rubia at Woodcrest Villa in Lancaster County, PA.

Snow began about 6 hours ago and has snowed steadily since it first began about 9:00 a.m. this morning. Our local television station had predicted about 3-6 inches of snow and they hit it right on the button. The Gray Lady and Snickerdoodle, my two feline companions, are sitting in the window watching all the birds as they via for a spot on one of our bird feeders. The street that fronts the dozen or so villas in my small circle has just been plowed and before long the driveways will be cleared of the snow. After the driveway will be the pathways to our front door which will require a few men to shovel the path from the drive to the front door. And what is so nice is that I don't have to do any of it...if I don't feel like I can do so. If the snow is a heavy snow it does become a bit of a problem, since the weight of the snow might be a bit to heavy for my back to handle. And....that is one of the many reasons that my wife and I decided to move to Woodcrst Villa. We hated to give up our beautiful home that we lived in for many yers, but the acre property with a long driveway to the garage and long wooden paths to the front and rear doors were being to take its toll on my back. That, plus the large amount of grass that needed to be mowed in the summer and the hugh amount of leaves that needed to be gathered during fall months. When the snow began early this morning, we looked at each other and agreed that we made the correct decision to move to Woodcrest Villa.  |
Birds around our feeder |
I still enjoy doing some of the work around our villa, both inside and outside, but the heavy work, such as the raking of the leaves, trimming of the trees, and the clearing of the snow I am so glad to have someone to do for me. My feline friends and I do enjoy watching the birds as they take turns eating the seeds that I placed in the bird feeder. The feeder can hold almost a half-dozen small birds around it and I also have another feeder at the rear of the villa that is close to the same size. This is the time of the year where I have to buy quite a bit of birdseed to feed the many birds that have found the feeders around our property.  |
Sharing the food |
Well, the snow has turned to rain which should help clear some of the snow from the feeder as well as clear the drive and walkway a bit faster. This has been the first measurable snow fall we have had this year. Last winter was our first winter at Woodcrest Villa and I can't remember a single snowfall that needed to be cleared from the property last year. This is the first snowfall this year, but I hope for a few more before the winter has departed.  |
One of many holly trees in our yard |
Ah! The mailman has arrived and is placing the mail in the central mail station which happens to be on the other side of the street, almost in front of my home. How lucky can I be? It's almost as if we asked to be placed in this villa when we were looking for a retirement community a year or so ago. We were certainly lucky when we moved into this villa as were the animals and birds that currently live near us. It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.  |
One of our birdhouses we have to rent! |
Another view of the feeder |
PS - Hope you enjoyed my story about the snow we had a week or so ago. Today's snow has just picked up once again! The snow truck driver must be so upset, since he may have to go back over what he already did once this morning.
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