Extraordinary Stories

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Thursday, July 4, 2024

The "KJ Is The Star Of The Day" Story

It was an ordinary day.  Sitting in Clipper Magazine Stadium, home of the minor-league baseball team Lancaster Stormers.  Today's game had to wait a bit longer to begin since there was a big celebration before the game began.  Seems that all the local team and business mascots had arrived to celebrate the birthday of the Stormer's mascot, Cylo.  And, to top all that off was the throwing out of the first pitch by a young girl named Kennedy, aka KJ.  Kennedy is a good friend of my family, thus my wife Carol and I, along with our youngest son Tad made a visit to see KJ throw out the first pitch today.  Naturally KJ's mother Donya was in attendance.  There must have been close to two dozen mascots from local schools and colleges as well as businesses and athletic teams in attendance for the game.  Fun day and the weather was perfect for the event.  I was asked to take a few photos of the event and I enjoyed myself immensely while walking around the infield, snapping photo after photo of all the mascots.  KJ even had her image posted on the scoreboard in the stadium!  The following photographs are a few of the many photos I was able to snap.  And...naturally KJ was in many of the photographs.  Hope you enjoy the photos as much as I enjoyed taking them for the Stormers.  It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.

Happy Birthday Cylo

Cylo's birthday card

Cylo greeting the other mascots

Additional mascots
Cylo with his friends

Kennedy with Cylo

Image of Kennedy on the scoreboard

Kennedy greeting the umpires

Kennedy with the Hershey Bear

One final photograph of Kennedy enjoying her visit with Cylo.

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