Extraordinary Stories

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Friday, December 27, 2024

The "Life-Changing??? No More Common Sickness??? Too Good To Be True??? Yeah...Right!! Story

It was an ordinary day.  The following is a story I read in my November/December 2024 Saturday Evening Post.  The story was by Doug Cornell, PhD.  I found it interesting....but not sure how well it might work.  I am posting it for you to read so you too might read it and judge what you read for yourself and your family.  I am not recommending anything in the story, but just thought it was an interesting read.  Perhaps I may try it in the near future, but as of today, I have not tried or have recommended anything that you may read about in this story.  Reading that most of us live our lives expecting to get sick now and again, but it doesn't have to be that way!  Medicine cabinets are full of remedies for after we get sick.  Wouldn't it be better not to get sick in the first place?  Scientists have found a natural way to kill germs that cause common illnesses before we get sick.  That's life changing!  Don't just reduce symptoms with costly meds.  Avoid the symptoms completely.  *Kill the viruses that cause colds, flu, Covid, cold sores, and fever blisters!  *Kill the fungus that cause sinus trouble and mold allergies.  *Kill the microbes that steal your sleep with congestion and stuffiness.  *Kill the bacteria that cause pinkeye, styes, thrush, ringworm, and other infections, even after they have started.  Scientific studies prove pure copper kills germs instantly, just by touch.  That's why ancient Greeks, Egyptians, and Aztecs used copper to stop sore throats and skin infections and to heal wounds.  They didn't know about bacteria and viruses.....but now we do.  Thousands of people use pure copper now to kill germs that cause sickness.  High-power microscopes show germs like the Covid virus starting to die instantly when copper touches them.  The NIH, EPA, and other authorities all vouch for the power of copper to kill germs.  It even kills those really bad antibiotic-resistant germs, too.  Scientists say the high conductance of copper disrupts the electrical balance in germ cells, destroying them in seconds.  The EPA urged hospitals to use copper for surfaces like faucets and doorknobs.  Those that did cut the spread of bad germs by over half, and saved lives.  The strong proof gave inventor Doug Cornell an idea.  He had been getting 2-3 bad colds a year.  So in 2012 he made a smooth copper probe with a tip to reach where germs collect in the nostril.  The next time he felt a tickle in his nose, which warned him he was about get a cold, he touched the copper gently to the tickle spot for 60 seconds.  "It worked!  The cold never started," he exclaimed.  "Now I use it at any warning sign of cold or flu."  Since then he's gone over 12 years without a single cold.  He asked relatives and friends to try it.  All said it worked, so he patented it, called it CopperZap and put it on the market.  Soon hundreds had tried it.  Over 99% said CopperZap worked if they used it right away at the first sign of bad germs, like a tickle in their nose or a scratchy throat.  The handle is curved and textured to make more contact with your fingers.  If you touch items sick folks have touched, pure copper can kill germs you pick up.  With over 100,000 sold, nearly all the reviews are 5-star.  Longtime users say they haven't been sick in years.  EPS tests show tarnish does not reduce copper's germ-killing power.  CopperZaps (Registered) are easy to use, easy to clean, and include directions.  Made in the USA of pure American copper.  Price is $79.95. Yikes!!  Get $10 off each with code SATP14.  Buy once, use forever.  Never wears out. (As of now!)  Money back guarantee.  Save on meds.  Save on time.  Cut stress.  Sleep better.  Probably live longer, too.  Users say "Best Money I ever spent" and "Worth every penny."  Copper Zap LLC is top-rated by Better Business Bureau, with zero complaints.  Order at www.CopperZap.com or call toll-free 888-411-6114, 9-4 Pacific time.  Real people in the US answer the phone.  *Statements not evaluated by the FDA.  Not claimed to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.  I, too, do not claim that it will work for you.....or me!  Will I give it a try?  I'm not sure!  I'll have to be really....really sick before I spend the money not knowing it will work or not.  If you do buy the product, post a comment at the end of this story telling me how well it worked for you!  I won't buy it until I get a few "GOOD" comments from my readers.  Best of luck for those that give it a try!!  It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.  

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