Extraordinary Stories

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Monday, January 6, 2025

Enhancing Your Sense Of Smell....and Protecting Your Health! Story

It was an ordinary day. Reading an article in my daily newspaper titled "Enhancing Your Smell - and Protecting Your Health!"  Story began with....Wake up and smell the roses - or lavender, or any of a bouquet of scents!  A new study shows that a decline in......or loss of your sense of smell can be linked to invlammation and any of 139 medical conditions, from Alzheimer's disease to depression, sues dysfunction, restless leg syndrome and Zika/Guillain-Brre syndrome.  But other studies show that providing yourself with an enriched exposure to various odors can help protect your memory and actually encourage you to b more physically active and adventurous.  It can also slow th progression of dementia.  Researchers from the University of California, Irvine found the when folks gs 60 to 85 were exposed to a different pleasing smell (rose, orange, eucalyptus, lemon peppermint, rosemary and lavender) for two hours a night for a week, their memory, language skills and emotional well-being improved 226%.  Another study found that being exposed to four scents twice a day for five months boosted verbal skills and reduced depression.  That's because when your brain registers an aroma, it affects your blood pressure, emotions, breathing and memory.  Using aromatherapy for a coupe of hours a night may raise your spirits, sharpen your wits, and make the room smell great.  But talk to your doctor first if you have allergies, asthma, are pregnant or have high blood pressure.  For information on how to give it a try, her out Dr. Mike's favorite site for aromatherapy, aeroscena.com.  And explore these articles: ""Essential Oils for Instant Focus" and "top 13 Essential Oils an how They Can Benefit Your Health" a iHerb.com/blog.  It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.