It was an ordinary day. Christmas! Everyone was just about ready to open the presents wrapped in the tubes. The everyone is our three kids and their spouses. This year Carol made a family calendar for everyone. She did one two years ago which had the 12 months on it and featured a photo for every month. She did it online through Costco. Turned out pretty neat, but not sure that the kids enjoyed it as much as Carol and I did. You see, most of the photos were of the two of us at different beaches. When they opened that one I could see some frowns and then maybe a few laughs. Well, this year she did it through Snapfish and made it all on one page which was 12"x18". Featured photos of our family vacation at Ocean City, NJ. One large photo was the group photo that we take every year, while the rest were photos that featured everyone in the family. I knew they would like it as soon as I saw what she had done. Well, it's time to open them now. Everyone at the same time. Grandkids have to help naturally and after they are unwrapped they all pull them out of the tubes at the same time. Hey, a big hit!! I just knew they would be. They had to be ..... they featured LDub's family! It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy. PS - photo at top is Derek, Barb and Caden laughing at the 2008 calendar while the bottom photo shows what this year's calendar looked like.
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