It was an ordinary day. Just thinking about my friend Jerry and if he shot a deer yet. Jerry was never a hunter, but decided last year to go deer hunting with his friend near his home in State College. Bought himself a hunting rifle and scope and practiced at a local range. Took a few shots this year, but no deer yet. Guess he needs some more practice. I went hunting one time. Wrote about it in one of my stories. Quick summary: sitting under a tree with my rifle, pulled out my white handkerchief to blow my nose and somebody thought it was a deer's tail and shot in my direction. Took a branch off the tree above me. Scared me s*#tless. Started to scream! I got to thinking. Why do I need to go deer hunting. I don't need the meat. Often wondered how you can call it sport. Now, give the deer a rifle with a scope and then maybe it would be sport. Survival of the fittest. Saw last night that the deer population in the state of Pennsylvania is dropping. Fewer people are hunting because of it. How can you shoot a cute little deer anyway? The local newspaper sported four full color pages a few weeks ago with photos of "sportsmen" who had shot a deer. Told the size of the deer and where they shot it. About a third of the "sportsmen" were women. All the "sportsmen" finally killed just about all the pheasants in the state and eventually will eliminate the deer population. Tell you one thing ....... I won't be one of those "sportsmen". I value my life too much to be walking around in the woods with a bunch of crazy "sportsmen". It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy. PS - first 2 photos came from the newspaper showing hunters and their "prize". Last one shows the 8-point buck that I got this year with my pellet gun. He even lights up at Christmas for me.
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