Thursday, June 30, 2011
The "A Gift from the Heart" Story
It was an ordinary day. Recently I posted a story about my wedding anniversary; 44 years to the same woman. And ..... we had agreed not to buy presents for each other, since we had just come back from a Caribbean vacation and were heading to the Jersey shore for a week long vacation with the entire fa
mily. Well, on our anniversary, Carol hands me a card and a GIFT. "I know we said no presents, but I just had to get you these," she said. "Besides," she continued, "you probably already know about these, since I had to charge it." She figured I saw the post on the credit card website. But, I hadn't! Was really surprised when I opened ...... 3 - 7 oz. bags of personalized M&Ms. She ordered them from the M&M website. She sent a photo of the two of us to them and they produced chocolate M&Ms with our photos on them. Four different varieties in water-
based ink that I assume was OK to eat. One featured me, one featured her, one said "June 17", and one said "44 Years". And, they were in aqua, pink, and white, the same colors as the bridesmaids dresses in our wedding. Really neat gift! She said, "I know that one bag would have been enough, but you had to buy three bags." And, each bag cost $9.99. Still not too bad for a nice gift. But, shipping and handling added $20 on to the bill. Seems they had to ship them overnight so they wouldn't melt in a hot delivery truck. Well, they're all gone now, but did take a few photos before I ate them all. Check 'em out and see if you don't agree that they were "A gift from the heart." It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011
The "Dunkin Away!" Story
It was an ordinary day. Making toast and cocoa for breakfast. In the winter I often start my day with this for breakfast. Good way to warm up in the morning. Pop 2 pieces of white bread in the toaster, fill the cup with non-fat milk and pop that in the microwave, and grab the Chocolate Nesquik. Butter the toast, put jelly on top of the butter, put 2 big tablespoons of Nesquik in the hot milk and Viola! Breakfast!! Start dunking. Don't all of you dunk? You gotta! I dunk everything, absolutely everything. Birthday cake, or any cake as a matter of fact, always needs a cup of milk to dunk it in. If the host of where ever you are for the birthday party doesn't have cups, use your glass. All you need is mi
lk and a spoon to get the cake out of the cup or glass. I buy my cookies according to how well they will retain milk when I dunk them. The cheap store brand sandwich cremes are some of the best. Dunk them in a cup of milk and in no time they are ready to eat. Carol know exactly which cookies to bake for me for Christmas. Snicker Doodles and sugar cookies dunk the best, but I do make an exception for her chocolate chip cookies. They have to remain in the milk longer, but they are still my favorite. Cookies like sand tarts are useless. They don't retain any milk. But then, all you dunkards know that, right? Donuts are the same. The cake donuts work best, but I can sacrifice and dunk a Bavarian cream if I have to. And, you can also use hot tea for dunking if that is all you can find. Works just as well. I also enjoy dunking bread or crackers in my soup when I go out for a meal. Does it ever embarrass me if others see me dunking and eating my cookie or donut with a spoon? Nah! We only get to go around once in this life so enjoy it. I certainly do. It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
The "Luigi is Turning in His Grave" Story
It was an ordinary day. Trying to decide where we would eat supper. For the last five years my kids and grandkids have been vacationing in Ocean City, NJ. Each year we stay at the same four bedroom condo on 9th Street. Half a block to the beach. And, every year we all share a meal with one another. Carol and I start the week with a salad on Saturday evening. Probably the healthiest meal we have all week. Our daughter, Brynn, and her family, as well as our one son, Derek, and his family also bring a meal. After all these meals, there is always enough left-overs for one more meal. So that leaves us with three more meals to complete our week at the Jers
ey shore. Hey, pizza is always a good choice and we usually have a meal at the Food Court on the Boardwalk. For the last meal we try to eat in a restaurant. This year someone suggested we eat at Luigi's which seems to be an Ocean City landmark. Place is Italian, as if you couldn't have guessed, and was opened in 1958. We pass it every year as we enter the town. Located at 9th and West streets. OK, so I Google the place on my laptop and ....... holey moley! Over 75% of the reviews were negative! Place smells like manure, sauce comes out of ajar, terrible service, wouldn't accommodate my son who has food allergies, and the most telling; Italians will be appalled - Luigi is turning in his grave. Cross that off the list!! The night before we had passed a restaurant on the boardwalk as we traveled to Wonderland at the north end of the boardwalk. The "Ocean Cafe" was locate
d at 720 Boardwalk (neat address) and was also Italian. It opened in the summer of 2009. We arrived at the restaurant at 6:00 and immediately got a table for nine. Could this be a bad sign. There were no reviews of this place on my computer, so we knew very little about it. Food was very good, plenty of it, reasonable price, attentive service, and it arrive hot and promptly. The place was very large and can accommodate quite a few people. I naturally had the cheese ravioli which I had a hard time finishing. Carol and I shared a bowl of one of the best soups ever: tomato crab bisque. Truly amazing. I will continue with - We will definitely return next year! It was great. The soup was the highlight of the meal for us. It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.

Monday, June 27, 2011
The "Memories of the Sting Ray Motor Inn" Story

Sunday, June 26, 2011
The "Killer Skeeters" Story
It was an ordinary day. Carol legs are covered with mosquito bites. We have been on the island of St. Martin for two days now and the skeeters are flocking to her. Why? They love sweet things, and she falls into that category. Now, she’s not happy at all about it, since she had a hard time sleeping last night with all the scratching she had to do. Didn't bother me a bit, since I can sleep through anything! We had purchased some Off Deep Woods Sportsmen repellent, but didn’t realize that the mosquitoes were as bad as they were unti
l after she was eaten alive. Me? I watch them land on me and take off just as fast. Must be the over abundance of testosterone in my body! Since we wanted to use our outdoor space at our villa, we went searching throughout the house for anything that would repel the buggers. Found the usual citronella candles which worked minimally, but the only thing that really worked was the Off! Oh yeah, the electronic racket really worked!! Carol found it in a cabinet and wasn’t sure what it was. Had a little black button on the side of it and when she pushed it in, a small red light lit on the handle. While she was holding the button in, she touched the “net” on the top of the racket and ...... WHAT A JOLT! “It’s electrified,” she said. She carried it with her for the next two weeks when we were at the villa. Swinging at the mosquitoes with the racket really worked. You could actually see the smoke coming off the racket and smell something cooking when sh
e hit them with it. While we were in St. Martin, I read TravelTalkOnline (TTOL) ever evening to see what was going on on the island that we might be missinmg. TTOL is a travel forum where you can submit questions or help people out with answers and information. I started to read about quite a few people who had returned home and had symptoms of Dengue Fever. Dengue is a viral disease transmitted by the dengue mosquito and found in most tropical areas of the world. St. Martin would fall into that category. The disease may cause illness ranging from a mild fever to a severe, even fatal condition known as dengue hemorrhagic fever or dengue shock syndrome. The more I read, the more it got my attention. I guess the FATAL part was what got my attention. Then I read about a vaccine that was developed in 2009 by France's Sanofi Pasteur and is getting very good results in a clinical study being made in Thailand. If all goes well, it will be released in the US in 2014. Great news for the deadly disease. As vacation went on, we searched for more ways to battle the potential killer skeeters.
Found a website called “Snopes.com” that published a letter that said to use Listerine around the area where you are sitting and even on your body. Someone else wanted to know if Mint Listerine will do the same! Another letter said to use a dinner plate, fill with water and add a few drops of Joy dishwashing soap and that will attract them and they will fall in the water and drop dead. But then, as I read on, it said that these are urban legends and the only real repellent is DEET and will repel mosquitoes more effectively than solutions intended for completely different purposes. The Off! Deep Woods Sportsmen we brought with us had 25% DEET and was very effective. The smell was a bit overwhelming at times, but much better than having to battle a deadly disease. We were lucky, I guess. We survived and will know better on our next trip. It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy. PS - photos from the top are the mosquito that is the carrier of the Dengue Fever, best thing we found to fight the skeeters, and Carol reading and playing "skeeter pong" at the same time.

Saturday, June 25, 2011
The "You Just Gotta See This" Story

Friday, June 24, 2011
The "Don't You Have A Jeweler?" Story
It was an ordinary day. We had just come back from having lunch at Chesapeake City. Carol and I stopped in "Dragonfly" where I have some of my photographs for sale. We were greeted by Jennifer, the owner" who introduced us to her parents. Seems that they enjoy traveling the Caribbean as much as Carol and I do and had just come back from a trip to St. Martin. We got to talking about all the things we both enjoy doing while on the island and then Jennifer's mom asked Carol, "Who do you have as a jeweler on the island?" Wow! Didn't know you need one. I can't quite remember Carol's response, but we passed on to other subjects. upon leaving the store Carol said to me, "Well, I guess I'm going to have to get me a jeweler when we go on our next trip." And she did!! Just got back recently from St. Martin and on one of the many days that it rained or was cloudy, we traveled to the Dutch capital
of Philipsburg and walked up and down Front Street for something to do. I happened, by mistake, to mention to her that DK Gems, which was the next store on our walk, was the favorite jewelry store of most of the members of TravelTalkOnline (TTOL), a travel forum the I read all the time. In the store we went and after the diamond necklace we purchased from the male employee, "Vicki", we now had a jeweler. Simple as that!! "Wow, I can't believe we didn't have a jeweler before now," I said to her. "Just lucky we found one you liked." I must admit that Jeff Mohnani, who is part owner with his sister Deepti and Raj and Kamal, was very interesting to talk to while Carol looked at all the jewels in the store. He is a certified Gemologist who, after mentioned that I read about him all the time on TTOL, treated us like family and allegedly gave us a great price. I must admit that I felt comfortable making a purchase from him and I'm sure he will be our jeweler in the future. It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy. PS - photo of LDub, Carol and Jeff in DK Gems.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
The "Your Mouth May Speak More Than Words" Story
It was an ordinary day. Was telling Carol and our friends, Jerry and Just Sue, who were visiting from State College, about being able to sniff our sickness. Certain sicknesses and diseases cause your breath to give off unusual odors. If you know what the different smells mean, you may be able to diagnose a sickness or disease and seek treatment before it it too late. Now bad breath or halitosis, which is usually caused by bacteria in the mouth, is not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about kidney, liver, intestine and even pulmonary diseases. Certain medicines and drugs may also cause bad breath. Well, I'm telling them that bad breath may help to determine an illness and I look at them and they are all holding their cupped hands up to their mouth, breathing hard into them, and trying to smell their breath. Pretty funny sight, especially for Jerry who can't smell a lick anyway. OK, they wanted me to give them some examples. A fruity odor to the breath occurs as the body attempts to get rid of excess acetone through the breathing. This is a sign of ketoacidosis, which may occur in diabetes. It is a potentially life-threatening condition. Breath that smells like feces can occur with prolonged vomiting, especially when there is a bowel obstruction. If your breath has an ammonia-like odor (also described as urine-like or "fishy") you may have a kidney disorder or it may be related to lung cancer. If a pregnant woman's breath smells like lighter fluid, she may have Preclampsia. If your breath smells like ether (any idea what that smells like?) you may be schizophrenic. All these smells created by our breath occur when sickness or disease alters cell metabolism. If you happen to notice any unusual odors it's best to call your doctor who will certainly recommend a throat culture. Oh, by the way, If your urine smells like cheese or a locker room you probably have a urinary tract infection and if your skin smells like gasoline you may want to head to the dermatologist to be checked for melanoma. Life's not easy is it? And getting old isn't what it's cracked up to be. But, I guess we don't have any other options. It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
The "Watching Time Go By" Story
It was an ordinary day. Going through a few more files and boxes of items from my mom and dad. Dad died almost 4 years ago and I'm still finding really ne
at "stuff" that was part of his life. Found a manila envelope loaded with old watches. Some look valuable while others look like junk. Part of the find was a Westclox pocket ben with a horse fob on it. Probably made in the 1920s as far as I know. Still in working condition. The value? Who knows! My dad was a watchmaker almost all his life. He graduated from high school in mid-1937 and started working at Meiskey Jewelry Store on Chestnut Street in do
wntown Lancaster, PA. During the years that followed World War II he went to school on the GI bill at The Ezra F. Bowman Technical School on the corner of East Chestnut Street and North Duke Streetin Lancaster. This school was founded in 1887 and offered courses in watchmaking and repairing, jewelry work, and engraving. Not sure what courses my dad took, but he did quite a bit of watch repair while working for Meiskey's store as well as Sheeley's Jewelry Store in his later years
. The Bowman building is still at the same corner, but is now apartments. At the time, The Hamilton Watch Company was one of the biggest an
d well known watch companies in the world. It was founded in 1892 along the Columbia Pike in Lancaster. Dad did quite a bit of work on Hamilton watches and many of the watches I found were Hamiltons. Hamilton lasted until 1969 when they joined the Buren Watch Company from Switzerland and moved the company to Switzerland. The building on Columbia Pike is now known as the Watch Tower Apartments. In 1957, Hamilton introduced the world's first electric watch, the Ham
ilton Electric 500. When I graduated from high school, my mom and dad presented me with a Hamilton electric watch. A top notch gift in 1962. Still have it today, but it isn't in working condition. Mom and dad had watches and clocks everywhere in their house. On the top of the refrigerator was a large tray that was always filled wit
h watches that dad's friends would give him to have repaired. At times he would work on them at home, but most times he took them to Meiskey's to repair them. I grew up hearing constant chimes from the many clocks that filled the shelves in the living room. I met my wife, Carol, through dad working at Meiskey's. Carol's mother joined the workforce at the store in the early 60s and through her, I met Carol. For Christmas one year mom and dad gave Carol and me a Seth Thomas
mantel clock. Still have it. Another year mom and dad gave Carol an antique wood mantel clock that was made by the New Haven Clock Company. Dated sometime in the mid-1980s. What do I do with all the time pieces that I find as I search the boxes of goodies? Not
quite sure, yet. But the timeless treasures are certainly interesting to explore and wonder who might have had them in their home, in their pocket or on their wrist. It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy. PS - pictures from the top are: my dad as a young watch repairman, Bowman Technical School, Westclox pocket ben, Hamilton Watch pocket watch, Hamilton Watch Company in Lancaster, a few of the watches that I found in a manila envelope, my Hamilton electric watch that I received as a graduation present in 1962, and Carol's New Haven mantel clock.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011
The "Day on the Canal" Story

Monday, June 20, 2011
The "Secret Spot" Story
Sunday, June 19, 2011
The "Woods Boys Head to the Ballpark" Story
It was an ordinary day. Watching the Barnstormers play the Road Warriors with my two sons, Derek and Tad as well as my grandson Caden at Clipper Magazine Stadium. The Woods' boy's day out. The Barnstormers are Lancaster's professional baseball team and they play in the Freedom Division of the Atlantic League. The Atlantic League is divided into the Freedom and the Liberty divisions and each division has 4 teams. The Road Warriors have no home ball park and play all their games on the road. The team is necessary so that there are an even number of teams in each division. The Atlantic League is an independent league, not associated with any major league baseball team. Most all of the players have played in organized ball with quite a few of them making it to the big leagues. Many are in their declining years and just love baseball too much to give it up while others were in the low minor leagues and were cut, but hope by continuing in the independent league, they will get called back to the minors. A few days ago, the shortstop from the Barnstormers was recalled to the minor leagues and Lancaster now has a new shortstop. The manager of the team is Butch Hobson who played third base for the Boston Red Sox and eventually became their manager for three years. Other managers that have been in Lancaster were former second baseman Tommy Herr and outfielder Von Hayes. Lancaster has a beautiful stadium that can hold somewhere between 5,000 and 6,000 fans. Today there are maybe 1,000. Place looks dead! And, today is Cylo's birthday. Cylo is the team mascot and looks much the same as the Phillies Phanatic, only a bright orange-red. Really neat costume and the kids love him. Matter of fact, so do the adults. People line up to have their photo taken with him and to get his autograph. As with the Phanatic, he does not speak. Well, the game started and some very young boy sang the national anthem. Great job! An hour later, as the game was dragging on and getting more boring, the dark clouds rolled in. We were sitting in a sky box. Are you impressed? Tad works for Intelligencer Printing Company and he got free tickets for us for the game. All the popcorn, chips and peanuts as well as sodas, ice tea, lemonade, and beer that you wanted for free. Almost. The beer was gone in about 10 minutes and then you had to buy your own. There were 16 people in the box and it was directly above the third base bag. Great seats. Well, when the rain came we decided that we were done for the day. Game was only in the 5th inning with the Road Warriors ahead by a few runs. We did have a good time and I managed to walk around the park for an inning taking photos, which follow. It was really a big event for the family since it was Caden's first live professional baseball game. And, he's a real fan already. It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy. PS - photos follow.
Cylo delivering the 1st pitch on his birthday.
View from centerfield of the stadium.
View from behind homeplate of the stadium.
Barnstormer pitcher Cesar Carrillo, former major leaguer, delivering a pitch.

Barnstormer getting a hit.
Dragging the infield between innings.
An encounter in the hall with Cylo.

One of the many things that you can do at the game.
Caden enjoying himself at the game.

Stadium as we ran to the car after the rains came.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
The "Boat Nazi of SXM" Story

Friday, June 17, 2011
The "6 More Years Until the Big One!" Story
It was an ordinary day. Almost! Our anniversary!! 44 years ago today, June 17, 1967, I was sitting on the front step at 944 Ja
net Avenue at 8:00 AM relaxing before my brother Steve and I would have to get dressed for the wedding. Steve was my best man that day. I have written about my wedding before and the fact that I swore it was at 11:00 AM when it really was at 2:00 PM at St. James Episcopal Church in downtown Lancaster, PA. Hey, I may have forgotten the time, but I have never forgotten the date! Bought my card a few weeks ago to give to my lovely wife of 44 years and even picked up a double jar of peanuts at Costco for her. Pretty neat gift, huh? We did som
e jewelry shopping during our recent visit to St. Martin for our anniversary, so the peanuts will have to fill the bill for today. Every Sunday in the Lancaster Sunday News they feature a section which lists engagements and anniversaries. Fun to see who has been married for 50 years. Used to be you had to have been married for 50 years to get your article and photo in, but with the recession, they will take any amount of years as long as you got the money to pay for it. Every now and then someone will announce their 5th or maybe 10th anniversary. Hey, that's not a milestone! Now 50, 60, 70, etc., they are milestones. When Carol and I celebrated our 25th, our kids gave us a party which wa
s really neat, but we wouldn't have thought to put it in the paper. Not 50, yet!! In six more years we will do that. And those years will come and go quickly. We need to search for a photo for the paper that makes us look really young!! Happy Anniversary, dear. Wow, how old are we?? Don't even want to think about it. Besides, we're only as old as we think we are, and I feel young today. Love, LDub. It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy. PS - pixs from the top are: the bride before the wedding, getting coated with punchings from a computer machine, and waiting to leave the church to visit Carol's sick Grandmother at the hospital. Check out the Buddy Holly look-a-like glasses.

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