The "Ilet Pinel - 'A Salty Piece of Land' - JB" Story
It was an ordinary day. We couldn't believe our eyes. We're losing our island! Pinel Island, just of the coast of French Cul-de-Sac in St. Martin is a popular tourist destination. It is often overrun with crowds, but tranquility is restored every afternoon when the last ferry has taken the day-trippers back to St. Martin. The island is included in the
Marine Park, which means that jet skis and fishing are prohibited. Moorings that are placed by boat owners are done so with the OK of the Reserve Naturelle so as to help limit damage to plant beds. Ashore you can walk along the botany path, sit on the spit of salty land that protrudes from the north-west side, shop in the Boutique, walk to the deserted other side, or snorkel the trail that has been established. Since 2002 Carol and I have been taking a day trip every year to Pinel because of the calm, beautiful water and the pure white sand. There are three concessions on the sandy side which are Yellow Beach, Up on the Key, and Karibuni. All c
harge for two chairs and an umbrella, with Up on the Key giving two free drinks with their deal. Guess which one we head to when we exit the ferry. We have snorkeled the trail and enjoyed the beach, but we have also, every year, climbed to the top of the island and taken a photo of the sandy beach where we always sit. A
nd, we're worried!! The first digital photo I have is from 2004 and when I compare it to the photo we took on our recent journey in 2011, it seems that the island is disappearing. The sand is being moved from the beach and spread out into the waters around the beach. You can walk at least 50 yards or more from the
sand into the water and it will only be up to your waist. Hate to see the beach disappear. I'm sure the concessions do also. Maybe some day the tides will change and will bring some of the sand back to the salty piece of land. It
was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy. PS - photos from the top are: Pinel beach as you are arriving from French Cul-de-Sac via ferry, the "King of Pinel" who runs the Boutique, back side of the island which is usually deserted or use as a nude beach, beach photo from 2004, beach photo from 2007, and beach photo from 2011.
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