The "Faces of Strangers: #6 and #7" Story
It was an ordinary day. Sleeping on my lounge chair on one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Grace Bay Beach in the Turks and Caicos chain is about a mile crescent of pure white sand the texture of baby powder. Cool to the touch. A variety of different sized resorts dots the border of the beach. We are staying at the north-eastern end of the beach at Ocean Club Resort. Three story buildings rim two pools and a garden and all face toward the Caribbean Ocean. I awaken when my Kindle falls out of my hand onto my chest. Scares me at first, then I realize where I am. I stare towards the water's edge and ........ what is that sitting along the beach? Two women wearing flowered robes, bright white Crocs and carrying parasols. Yep, and I'm not dreaming! They are sure drawing the attention of everyone passing by. I grab my camera, extend the tele, and start snapping away. Not happy with the position I'm getting for the shots, I rise from the lounge and walk closer. I realize it is pretty obvious that I am taking photos of them, but so what ....... it is a public beach and I can take photos of whatever I want. Right? I tire shortly, and put the camera back in the large size baggie and head to the water with my wife. Carol and I watch the young women as they stand and start toward the water. They grab their robes, pulling them to the knee so they don't get them wet. Legs as white as can be are exposed from under the robes. I can see that they are probably Asian and may have to dress as they are so they don't expose too much of their body. Shortly they have passed and Carol and I are back to enjoying the 85 degree crystal blue water. I told her that if they head back towards us I am going to grab the camera again and try to take photos of their faces. Eventually they disappear from view at the far end of the beach. Twenty minutes later we exit the water and I grab my camera to head up the beach to take a few more photos for my slide show I always put together to bore the kids and our friends. As I reach the point on the beach where the girls had disappeared I see them sitting on the beach close by. I walk over to them and ask if I can take a photo of them. Their faces light up and they ask if they should pose for me. We talk about the photos, I take a few and share the photos with them. Then I ask them about their dress. After a few stupid questions on my part they begin to laugh. They are friends and room-mates from San Francisco who enjoy dressing as they do to attract attention. Boy, they sure did. Their faces are covered with bright make-up and ruby-red lipstick. They tell me they left their resort three hours ago and have finally reached the end of the beach. Are going to wait for the sun to set, then return to the resort, walking back the same way they came. We talked some more about the island and what they plan to do with the remainder of their vacation. It was a this point I realize that they are no different than me, on vacation having a great time on a beautiful beach. I'm just not doing it with a long dress and a parasol. And, as I walk away, down the beach, I realize I never asked them their names. It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.

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