The "Can You Guess These Black & White Icons" Story
It was an ordinary day Browsing the Internet. I know...that can be dangerous at times, but other times it can be interesting. Today I found a website that shared quite a few black and white, as well as sepia, photographs of famous people and asked me to guess whom they might be. I have loved black and white photography since my mom and dad allowed me to use the family Kodak camera when I was a young boy in the early 1950s. Family portraitures, travel pictures and even a creative photograph now and then were some of the photos I took years ago. Enjoyed photography so much that I ended up teaching the subject in high school. Well, when I found the site with black and white photos, I not only tried to guess who was pictured, but how and where the photo was taken and what type of lighting and composition was used. I have posted a dozen photographs for you to enjoy and admire as well as try and guess who has been featured in the photo. Some of you may have trouble with the names, since I may have included a few that you would have to be considered an "old-timer" to know whom they might be. Good luck! It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.
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1. Andre the Giant was 19 years old in this photo. He was one of the most recognizable names in the wrestling world due to his 7 foot, 4 inch height. He was also known as the "eighth wonder of the world."
2. Audrey Hepburn shopping with her pet deer. Audrey was a movie star when my mom and dad were growing up, but I did recognize her in this photo. Her pet deer's name was "Pippin".
3. Mahammad Ali and the Beatles are shown in this photograph. I knew the boxer as Cassius Clay when he was younger. The Beatles were credited with introducing the "British Invasion" of English pop music to American airwaves. But, of course, I needn't have told you that! Right!!
4. Silent film star Charlie Chaplin is with renowned scientist Albert Einstein in this photograph. Do you know which one is Charlie and which one is Albert?
5. OK, if you thought the last one was tough, how about this one? Shaving himself in this black and white is Frank Sinatra. This iconic photo was taken in 1965 by Life Magazine photographer John Dominis.
6. Ernest in the tub. But, you knew that, right? Hemingway was one of the biggest superstars of the English literary scene and was best known for his amazing novel "The Old Man and the Sea". I have always wanted to travel to Key West, Florida to see where Hemingway lived with his 6-toed cats, but I guess that is one wish I will never accomplish.
7. I know...this is a tough one. This is fashion designer Louis Reard who brought all us men the bikini bathing suit. At the time it wasn't very well received, but what did they know back then?
8. One of the easiest photographs to ID. This is Lucille Ball from Lucy and Desi fame. Their classic 1950s show made both of them a household name.
9. What photographic selection from the black and white era wouldn't have at least one photo of Marilyn Monroe. She was America's favorite blonde bombshell. She was also known for hitting the weights to keep trim. Looks like it worked!
10. Another tough one. Perhaps one of the most powerful black and white photographs ever taken which instantly evokes an important chapter in American history. Dorothy Counts was the original integrator of a previously all-white school in 1957.
11. This is a first class room on the Titanic. It was featured in the James Cameron blockbuster movie that came about a century after the horrific accident claimed more than 1,500 lives. The ship was the equivalent of a floating 5-star hotel.
12. You will never guess this one! Even I didn't recognize Walt Disney! Here he is eating chicken. He actually started as a simple cartoonist who enjoyed kicking back and snacking on chicken.
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