It was an ordinary day. Day just like every other day. Get up, check my email, then begin calling just about every site imaginable that offers Covid-19 vaccinations. Sound familiar? Well, if you keep it up, you will eventually be rewarded. I promise you. Happened to my wife, Carol, and myself. We had spent close to a month trying to find a place to get one of the three vaccines that have been developed to help prevent us from getting the Covid-19 virus. We registered with every health facility in Lancaster County as well as a few in other counties. One day Carol was talking with her friend Debbie, whom she had worked with years ago, and found that she was scheduled for her shot in a few days. Carol asked how she managed to get a position in line and Debbie told her a friend of hers from church decided to help people get the vaccine as a service to his community. He would arise in the morning at 3:00 AM and begin to call to see what locations might have openings in the next few days. Debbie was one of those people whom he helped. She ended up giving our names to him and in a few days we received a call telling us where we could go to get the vaccine. Only problem was we would have to travel about an hour in the morning headed in one direction for a shot for Carol and about the same distance and driving time later in the afternoon in the other direction for my shot. We decided to give it a try and filled out the necessary forms for the shots. Wasn't long before we had the necessary paperwork needed to receive our shots. The following day Carol was talking with our daughter, Brynn, who lives in Maryland and told her of our upcoming shots. Brynn wished us the best, but then told her mom that she had talked with the wife of one of the men she worked with who knew a person in Lancaster who also makes arrangements for vaccinations for people. Brynn said her friend would call this person to see if she could find us something better so we wouldn't have to drive so far. Before long we got a call saying we could get the vaccine in Lancaster. Ten minute drive and we could both head to the vaccination site at the same time. We called and canceled our other shots to allow them to give our slots to another person and filled out the necessary paperwork and made ready for our ride down the road in Lancaster. We were both scheduled for yesterday at 11:00 AM. What a break! Saturday and we arrived at the site near a hotel in the Amish Country.
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The line when we arrived was almost almost non-resistant. It really was longer then you see, but I didn't want to photograph those waiting for their shot. |
Parked the car and stood outdoors in line for less than 10 minutes until our temperature was checked and we were ushered into a large indoor pavilion. The vaccinations were sponsored by the NCS Pharmacy and the event was staffed by 80 volunteer workers from the South Asian Association of Lancaster.
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A poster on the rear of a chair tells the sponsor of this event. |
As soon as we entered the pavilion we knew it was going to be a pleasant experience. One line for registering and having our medical information checked and the next line to give us a card saying we had received the Pfizer EN6207 vaccine and finally the shot in the arm.
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After receiving a shot you had to be observed 15 minutes before you were allowed to leave. |
Carol went first and then I sat in the chair, had a bandaid placed on my left arm and the needle placed right through the bandaide. In a few seconds my nurse told me I was finished. The entire event from entering the front door to sitting in a chair to be observed for 15 minutes took less than 10 minutes. Very efficient and in a extremely professional manner.
I will receive a note in the near future telling me when to return for the second shot which is needed when using the Pfizer vaccine. What I feared beginning weeks ago was finally an extremely enjoyable experience, if you can have a needle stuck in your arm considered enjoyable. We have postponed 3 vacations to the Caribbean since this all started about this time last year and finally...we are going to feel medically safe to take our trip to St. Martin. Now I must email our friends on the island and tell them the good news. Life Is Good! Now, if only your vaccination experience can be as simple as mine was, you too will be safe once again. It was another extraordinary day in the life of an ordinary guy.
Yay! Waiting for your arrival!